Microsoft and the Giant Stupid DownloadTuesday, July 14, 2009 7:33 pm. It’s a stigmata of really bad software; I’ve known it for years, like an old cranky drunken friend. ... It churns and grinds and churns, and then, after just-enough time so you’ve gone away to do something useful like drink coffee, it pops-up a query, a question, something it deeply wants to know: “store the files in the temporary directory, or one you choose?”; or “are you ready to install our Stupid Program?” ... Anything’ll do; just so there’s a question, and the endless grinding process cannot continue unless someone shows-up and tells the extremely stupid software something. ... It’s like it’s lonely; it knows it’s stupid and ugly, and it just wants a response, any response, out of someone.... .... And what would the computerdammerung be without Microsoft, the King of Dumb Software? ... In this case, the giant software company really really wants me to download Internet Explorer 8. ... And Heaven knows, I’ve tried! ... Of course, once it’s installed, as usual I tell my firewall to block its every move, but I like to keep up and am happy to oblige the giant monopoly with my attic zoo of computers.... But on numerous
occasions I’ve told them to go ahead, do what you will with me, and
But I am confident I am not alone, and all across the fruited plain thousands if not millions of computer users have the same invigorating experience. ... There are many innocent victims customers who prefer to do giant Microsoft downloads when they aren’t actively using the machine, and the IE8 download is carefully precisely relentlessly brilliantly designed to make that approach impossible! ... I mean, you can’t buy stupidity like that! ... You have to cultivate it, year after year, raising it from a tiny pup until it dominates your corporation and all its works!
Microsoft in 2014: VSOWhich is “Visual Studio Online”, a promotion for which no-doubt enticing programming environment I received in my hotmail (aka Microsoft email). So I said to myself, let us engage; I will submit myself as a willing sacrifice, and will get a Facebook account and “like” them, I will let them install their stupid Cloud free storage, and I will get an owenlabs.visualstudioonline.stupid domain or something.... But I couldn’t. They were too stupid. My first attempt to access their page hung-up; 2nd try worked, but they wouldn’t let me sign-in. Not with my hotmail account; not with an Office Dead account I once reveled-in and cherished. ... They knew me not; I was expelled from the tribe, the painted bird. ... Now I won’t claim I am a celebrity to Microsoft, but among the teeming billions of the earth, surely I am one of the more likely? And indeed I have trafficked with them, like so many of us, for decades. And their obnoxious web page made no effort to apologize and conciliate, and it’s a certainty that my experience is repeated frequently if not every second. ... Nope; stern and opaque; the Giant Stupid Corporation omerta.... I’d guess the VSO scam is just not assigned to their best and brightest. ... But I can’t recall I have ever encountered the B&B of Microsoft — where are they hiding? In what remote undisclosed outpost do they work their intricate and subtle magic? ... And now I haven’t a chance of winning that xbox or something, the precious prize that led me on.... |
To poor MaximumPC’s credit, there is an extremely 3D skeptical column “3D or not 3D?” on page 10; they still permit dissent. ... But the powerful tidal tug of money shades their thoughts; the next page after the amazing 3D news they ask the perennial question, is the “End of the Netbook Era?” come yet already please let it be so. ... Those intolerably-cheapo machines are certain to be replaced by — touch-screen keyboardless tablets! ... Yes yes right away... |
Apple vs Microsoft: It’s the Code, StupidNo one else seems to have noticed this — except, in my infinite wisdom, myself! ... Which is, that Microsoft’s attempts at world domination — I mean, aside from illegal collusion, which of course never happens — their technical attempts, appear to consist — for decades now — of flinging into the arena huge assortments of software frameworks, languages, scripty junk, magical servers, and whatever else their 5 million programmers can dream-up. ... MSDN seems to have one per issue, at least. ... In the olden days, this served to imprison the weak minds of foolish acolytes worshiping at the altar, and was indeed known in the trade as “mindshare”. ... That is, once you’ve spent the ridiculous amounts of time and effort necessary to figure-out the Microsoft Way, you’re loathe to exchange it for some other presumably false idol.... Apple, on the other hand, bought — from itself, basically, that is when Jobs returned to Apple around 2000, he was part of the purchase of his Next computer company, which included the squirrelly Objective C language. ... Which was just as wacko as anything Microsoft flogs — but Apple’s used it ever since: in the Macintosh; in the iPod; in the iPhone; in the glorious iPad; and who knows what next?!? Pure, PureIn
my time before the mast, it was a fashion for the adherents of a new
programming cult to cry to the heathen they must abandon everything
they knew
if they wished to approach the seraphic beauty of the New
Purity; the macintoshers certainly did that in their turn and
time. ... But that was long ago, and to be fair as far as I know Jobs
never was like that. ... Microsoft, on the other hand, still regards
this as the current really sharp attitude, and repeatedly
offers such chilling assurances with their weekly newest thing. I have
detected some slackening in this, and the new Windows Phone 7 is not advertised as
being a whole new
exciting different thing. Except that it is:
Microsoft Silverlight And yes I actually saw some pitiful partisan whining
that Apple’s Objective C
was like going backwards to the bad old days of the primitive
C-language, before the dawn of C++ and all the wonderful things
which have made programming — well, what have
they made it? ... Not
easier, that’s for sure; perhaps more powerful, if that means exploding
bugs of astonishing ferocity from the most innocuous-seeming code. Darkness and Despair: How to CodeWant to develop for the iphone? Learn a language / framework which’ll work for several other popular gadgets, and probably the next one from Apple. ... Write a Windows phone 7 app? Learn some wacko Microsoft thrill-of-the-week which, judging by the record, is almost guaranteed to be useless in a few years, if not weeks — they apparently have already promised their “pad” technology will be entirely different! Apple Fights Back with Swift, a new pointless cranky language for the rest of usAt the overwhelmingly exciting 6/14 World Wide Developer Conference Apple finally responded with its own super new sexy different development language “Swift” for all iOS and OSX development — everything. The devs went wild with frenzied joy! At last they too could join the ranks of the cool and insiders, with their own language, incompatible with everything gone before. I understand to behold it was a deeply emotional experience. ... Of course Apple already had a pointless cranky language, Objective C, and the clever thing they did was not change it every two weeks. ... But now that’s over..... |
1. Idiots are often advised in the pitiful magazines to “upgrade” their Windows operating system, instead of buying the new operating system built into a new machine. Microsoft does this because it can, and because idiots will pay $100 or $200 for some stupid piece of plastic, instead of the software they’d get with a new machine for a far lower price — although to be sure, in the golden days the price would always be amazingly consistent with the last generation of hardware, but nevertheless far spiffier because, indeed, Moore’s law did make it that way. ... But buying the operating system as a separate purchase and installing it onto hardware you already owned or, even more ludicrously, purchased in premium bits at a store so you can have your own super machine — that is stupid. Even installing it as a download for free, like the glorious beautiful Windows 10, is stupid. ... You can tell it’s the expensive route because the magazines are so uniformly tolerant and enthusiastic about it. ... The Linuxoids, when they’re not lying about how EZ their precious free operating system is to use and install, rightly complain that installing Windows under such circumstances is comparably annoying and ridiculous. ... We peasants know of these things as the “driver problem”. Which is why we pay the hardware manufacturer to install the $180 OS which he gets for $20, so we can return his hardware when it doesn’t work. 2. This amazing coincidental restriction — that the previous Windows operating system would never run on the new hardware — was violated in the XP netbook phenomena, which is why that product category was so disastrous for Microsoft’s fortunes. ... Now everyone knows that Vista “costs” at least half-a-gig of memory over XP — but no one knows why! ... The “added security” is the usual bogus fiction. ... See, in Vista’s case Microsoft forgot the plot; or at least, misread the future of Moore’s law, since it was probably a bad idea to continue pointlessly-jiggering the operating system to take up more hardware resources when Moore’s law wasn’t going to compensate for it.... 3. The next issue of the NYer had a serious lengthy treatment of the iPad annunciation by serious media expert Ken Auletta. Mr. Auletta is expert in filling pages with filler which normal human beings — or me, at any rate — can’t possibly bother reading. 4. Oh all right; I actually use C++, particularly the exciting string class, which is almost as cool as the comparable thing in the 2000-or-so Borland Delphi.... 5. Actually Windows Phone 7 supposedly could be programmed in an alternate gee-whiz technology “XNA” which, apparently, is what the lucky folk who wrote games for Microsoft’s Xbox got to do. ... Another industry standard, that is, although undoubtedly antique technology in 2016.... |
The Kultur Korner...Well it turns out maybe I didn’t want to rail at the stupid lying dying magazines so much. Or at least I’ve railed enough. ... So let’s fill-out the page and go Komputer Kulture Krazy....
But I am glad, anyway; Spolsky’s stuff is often funny, and is probably worth reading even in his non-blogging essay form or whatever he ascends to. ... Indeed it was his site that led me to the BOFH (at least in this era; I’d seen his stuff in previous lives) and from him to ...
Stob, on the other hand, is a better-spelled, subtler force of nature, and nearer my tragic endeavors with the little computers. ... Both, I should add, provide the most panoramic view of where we’ve been when one includes their earlier stuff, in BOFH’s case lurking in odd corners of the web (i.e. google for it), and for Stob, in a lovely convenient dead-tree book I bought for $25 or so at Amazon The Best of Verity Stob, with selections from the late 80s until 2004 or so — a tremendously funny work. Even the back cover is funny! ... Probably the index — it has an index! — is funny! ... Fittingly, paradoxically, Amazon doesn’t have a dead-electrons digital Kindle e-reader version. ... So I finished it and, shockingly, discovered that Ms. Stob is not a fan of the Linux text editor “Joe” or it’s “Jstar” WordStar key combinations! Which, as all men know, are sacred. ... I may have to rethink this cultural stuff.... ... The Really Kultural Poetry Corner ...And now gentle reader, Real Poetry I actually wrote; in defense of which I can only plead youth and a lifetime of low expectations. ... First, my haiku. I
the early mornings I forgot all poems are lies — j.g. owen ... After the avalanche of praise and requests pour in, I’ll think about adding some more. ... But, really, that’s the high point. ... There are of course words in my music, but you have to listen to that. ... Whoa I just realized last night when I woke up @ 2 am — my haiku is one of them recursive paradoxes! ... At least the last line. ... No wonder it sort of shimmers.... |
Apple Jumps the Shark: Extorting iCloud Adoption by Destroying iPhone USB Contacts-Syncing in MavericksThat’s because Apple’s iCloud is so keen and fun-to-use that everybody wants to get in line and use it yessiree all the kids and their pets! ... So nobody needs that tired old USB thingey anymore and they can just stuff it even if it’s the only reason many of us keep a mac computer around anyway! ... No No kids now you’ll HAVE to join the pepsi generation it’s COMPULSORY!
Money... It’s called monetization and after all it’s what people do in their corporations. Many of us had the delusion Apple was better than that, trading quality instead of extortion for money ... which latter course is, indeed, the preferred American Giant Corporation style aka “subscription fees” aka as per millions of drooling anecdotes “getting into the razor blade biz.” ... Ah well, now I don’t have to replace my iphone with another; I can get one of those cool Android thingeys. ... Incidentally, Mac Contacts SuxI don’t want to leave the impression in this fervent encomium that the Mac contacts program has anything to recommend it; it’s been appalling as long as I’ve known the machine, incompetently programmed and dangerously prone to lossage; it just doesn’t work. ... I recently spent half an hour trying to enter a multi-line address, which for some reason it had decided wasn’t permitted in this star sector for the term. ... Even the suck-up magazines have given-up, occasionally running tips ’n’ tricks about how to make it actually do something, and I expect to find some wide-eyed tip how it is possible to enter multiple-line addresses with a harmless little workaround. Which won’t work with whatever version I have since Apple “fixed” it some more to force proprietary iCloud-that-everybody-loves usage; or who knows what.... ... And now, it doesn’t sync! ... Perfect together at last.... Submission ...Of course I will enable iCloud on my iThings and the pitiful imini and join the huddled masses yearning to be enslaved, now that Apple’s made me a proposition I can’t refuse. ... So the all-important “automatic downloads” is in the ithings’ “settings” “iTunes & App Store” / “Automatic Downloads” section; my raison d’être contacts syncing was somewhere in the iCloud entry. ... And then at some point as I was strapping on my chains, they really really REALLY wanted me to make-up a 4-digit “iCloud Security Code” for keyring or something; but amazingly, after I made one up, the feature, whatever it is, turned-out to be dependent on a “phone that can receive SMS messages” the scurvy curs! — they wanted me to give-up my cell phone number! — i.e. willingly; to invite the vampire further in. ... Which I refused, still, pitifully holding on to a shred of self-respect.... ... And after all this, they still pop-up and try to con me into signing into my icloud account. ... At least that’s what I think it is; the beauty of this kind of exploitative racket business strategy is that maybe it is some evil ne’er-do-well what has got hold of my iphone; I mean, aside from Apple. ... And then, when I had to shutdown and restart after it got into some kind of tizzy — stuttery, and Dropbox — the working cloud — got broken, freezing when it tried to upload my photo — Apple asked me to signon to icloud! Maybe the previous invitations were after silent crashes. ... So appropriate ’n’ all.... Reprievement!Then I discovered in some magazine that the next precious Apple updates will once again flawlessly synchronize contacts and calendars via USB! ... Oh joy we cry, oh wondrous day, that the beneficent Lord of Computing is so compassionate and generous! ... But no, I will not attempt to be the first to successfully turn from the iCloud without reprisal. ... How will the subsequent updates fare? — what they give, they can take. The beloved iCloud is so universally beloved that they’re still puffing it desperately relentlessly in the totally-objective magazines, so it will be here forever, like mac.me or whatever the last 37 iterations were called. ... And I realized, in the 8/14 Mac|life puff, that Apple is still hesitant about puffing the email account aspect of your wonderful iCloud experience, presumably because the previous so-uniquely-successful Apple email efforts are still regarded with such loathing deep affection.... So that Android phone in my future looks better and better — although to date, it’s been an obvious amateur-night free-for-all, relentlessly puffed by the freedom-loving media — those pesky monopolies really cut down on advertising! At least by Apple; I gather Microsoft massages the media adequately, or at least has a lot more money to throw around even in these amazing latter days; the suck-up puffsters were never so freedom-loving against the Microsoft death star.... But it looks like Apple’s going the distance, and will hammer away until its products are just as mediocre and stupid as any johnny-come-lately google junk. ... Apparently they’ve kicked the “creatives” — the touchy-feely types who made Apple everything it is today by slavishly adopting it wherever brush, pen and typewriter ruled — well Apple threw them under the bus — again — when they recently dumped some beloved photography software, offering instead the new-age broader-market kiddy-wheels junk they favor today.... (Why I Care)I
use the iphone contacts to laboriously copy/paste addresses to Google
which then guides me serenely through the endless byways of my glorious
and mysterious new land.
... Apple
maps, as all men know, hasn’t worked for years, jiggered as it was
some incompetence-for-money scheme by Apple, which resulted in the
division guy being fired presumably because he didn’t lie
good-enough. ... And even if Apple maps did
work it doesn’t speak
like Google maps, at least not on my iphone 4 which of course can’t
have the infinitely-desirable Siri voice capability because, like
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, it’s “part of the operating
system” as
was the notoriously and obviously bogus excuse back in the
bad old days. Apple has actually advanced some pathetically-fraudulent
murmurings about the trisilistors or something in the advanced iphones
performing an equivalent planned-obsolescence / anti-competitive
function. ... The Cloud For the Rest of YouAnd Apple’s iCloud is so wonderful, my imini has taken to begging me every morning to come join the others; learn our way, play our games, bathe in our deep Apple spirituality. ... Somehow I am still able to resist.... ... But that’s perfunctory compared to the beloved iPad: upgrading my pitiful iPad to the supposedly-working version of iOS 8, it tried to gull me me no less than three times, and more like 5 or six, into joining the wonderfully enjoyable just-fun-for-you iCloud, with which I would have so many wonderful features, tricks and games. Upgrade FunIn order to do the upgrade, I had to delete some ipad apps because the update needed more room — apparently it needs lots more than it actually will eventually use, to download the entire update image before bungling the upgrade. ... So fine; I just assumed it’d be a piece o’ cake to bring the beloved apps back, and now I will tell you, since it was utterly unknown:
So that worked great. ... Foolishly optimistic, I plugged the thing into my imini and it started downloading 36 updates! Whoa! Would it overfill my pitiful machine? ... But not to worry; it was probably just downloading all the updates I had been idly accumulating on the mini while I was refusing the generous ipad’s offer to connect to the all-embracing cloud. So figuring I was toast anyway, I plugged my phone into the mini — and no begging to upgrade! Indeed, when I checked the iphone 4 somewhere in the settings, it said I had ios 7.1.12 and that my “software is up to date”!?! ... Oh Apple! How bleak!... Trouble in Paradise...Sometimes I think they’re getting desperate. ... I just turned-on my iPad for a few minutes, and it tried to get me to sign-on to the beautiful serene we’re-all-going-there iCloud thrice! And then I went to the iCloud entry in settings, and there was a “sign-out”, which I poked, and after warning me how forlorn everything would be forever and ever world without end — it told me I would have to sign-in to the rapturous iCloud, the very thing they’ve been trying to bludgeon me into, I’d have to do that, to sign-out! ... Their robots must think my mother raised stupid children — a little nutso maybe, but not that stupid.... Surrender ...Tue 12/9/14 7:47 am. This morning I signed-in to the iCloud on my pitiful imini. I have given in. ... It wasn’t so bad; I’ve seen worse. ... Actually nothing happened. Maybe I was expecting a prodigal son moment.... ... ForeverAnd then it turned-out I never had to sign-in again; once you invite the vampire in, he can’t be uninvited, so the internet helpfully informs me. But if I’d known that, I might well have given-in earlier; one of the major annoyances of these stupid passwords is entering them every 15 minutes. I of course use a real computer and my own password program to remember the things, and I’d have to carry one of those around with my iThings if they demanded constant reassurance. ... But Apple couldn’t tell me, because that would make it seem more irrevocable; which of course, it is.... Macintosh Windows 10: Automatic UpdateAnd then, sometime around 1/16, Apple upgraded both of my wretched macintoshes without asking me. ’Jes like that industry-beloved Windows 10 that everyone loves so very much they lick the computer screen in delirious joy!!!! ... You haven’t noticed? You believe Windows 7 + XP still have a 60% market share? ... You obviously have failed re-education camp.... But the update achieved the desired goal: it destroyed my aged imini, in the inevitable and harsh march of planned obsolesence. —
the heartbreakingly-disillusioned programmer