An epic tale of the Modern Electronic Home Organ — my Nord C2 and the glorious free virtual organs! ... Dual monitor displays + gelding Usux™ Edge™. ... And the tragic FCV100. ... And the beloved still-going antique Hammond Chord Organ.....
Owenlab’s beloved Canon DSLR, & Kodak: The Dubious, The Proud, + the perilous modérne-day Kodak Box. ... And the incredible success of post-SLR cameras. And the precious ravishing obsolete silly cameras....
Antique paint program derision: Adobe Elements & Photoshop & Lightroom, and my beloved PSPX et al; and all the beautiful endearing decades-old Paint Shop Pros. ... And there are of course free ones. ... And my special sauce configuration for my beloved XN & Irfan pix browsers. ... & please feel free to enjoy my frantic efforts to subvert western civilization via colorization,,,,
The Noah’s Ark of Mystery....
Tuning the Wild Banjolele....
My dubious general-purpose electrical musical tips. And actual heartbreaking music. ... And my fabulous studio photo-essay tour! ... And my latter-day telecaster Grand Summation. ... And the modern-day tragedy of the piano-style sustain pedal....
The files in c:\Windows\Temp\ disappeared on my Win7 system and probably everywhere, so I used the stupid search tool to find the Usux™ util “Disk Cleanup” and used that; there were 3Gb of temporary files. Of course the Usux™ Way takes forever and appears to hang-up — they have special training for that at the great programming schools of Usux™....
The duraflame fake fire & its discontents.
VirtualBox ’n’ me: Cloning the Wild XP? Or even DOS/Win3? Or flight simulator 2004?
Owen’s Antique Software Recipes. ... And Usux™ perfidy when they stold my (win8.1) help & a pitiful poignant essay on how that felt. And, in a ricochet reaction, The Last Centuries of Delphi.
The wonder and wisdom of Windows 10. And corporate extortion. ... And the recurring Usux™ sign-in-to-your-account phony scam that looks just like a criminal scam. ... Oh, well, that’s what it is of course....
And oh yes, how to make the charming & wretched Adobe Reader work — in windows 10, of course, where I foolishly believed my beloved antique Adobe7 wouldn’t go anymore, but a recent pathological Adobe reader is useful sometimes, for recent pathological PDF files....
BIOSING. A ~2012 Asus laptop model K53E BIOS (for enabling/disabling password etc.): Hit ESC key repeatedly while it boots (after entering the password, if any). ... Every other key — DEL, F10, F2 — leads to endless useless menus, all of which wind-up trying to get you to LAUNCH STARTUP REPAIR, a procedure which lasts forever and is included by Microsoft entirely for the purpose of mindless malicious torment. ... Unless of course Windows actually won’t start, when I suppose you could launch away, as a sort of preliminary obsequy to the landfill. I’ve had non-starting crates, and I’ve run the “startup repair” — at least for 2 or three hours anyway — but I’ve never had it fix anything. ... Could be a first time. ... 7/11/17: And so there was! At least my wretched hp climbed up from the landfill via kindly Usux™ ministrations. ... I figure STARTUP REPAIR is a database of stupid Usux™ things over the years — like for instance when they tried to scam everybody into using Windows Media Player, weakening/breaking numerous subsystems along the way — and then the thing’ll undo whatever dastardly scheme they implemented, if it seems to be the problem. ... Of course when the machine is actually broken, this has no effect....
... But when I couldn’t get to the BIOS on a 2014 Windows 8 Asus the repeated ESC way, the web said “press ESC, F2, Insert one after another repeatedly while booting” and that worked....
Or at 10/8/17 on an asus ux31a “ZenBook” Windows 7 laptop: repeated F2s gets into the bios. BUT instead, doing repeated F11s got into the windows something menu, whereupon an F8 got me to a screen of choices, one of which was SAFE MODE. ... Sadly, the thing itself went bonkers shortly afterwards, and while F2 and F11 still coax it into various states of psychotic revery, it will most likely window no more forever....
... And Apple ithing VLC won’t repeat, no doubt some careful enhancement added at Apple’s twice-weekly upf--ks. This and many other experiences suggest VLC is no longer supported by the heroic charitable super-geek open source FOSS community.
... But then, at least at Tuesday, October 4, 2022 10:39 am, the apple iphone repeats like a champ, and plays the file better than my pixel, where VLC is still basically non-operable.
The beloved jgomenu....
The wondrous Newbigin diskette binary save/restore utilities.
The book corner.
How to search in the brilliant FOSS thunderbird email program: “filter these messages” box at the top of the message list — for instance my junk folder — put a word in, for instance the name of my bank, and it will select messages that in some undefined way — because it is their sacred duty never to reveal — contain the specified word, so maybe I can see how thunderbird is so thoughtfully junking stuff from my beloved financial institutions.
The antique Internet Explorer can PRINT!!!!!!! ... A searchable PDF, that is. ... But around 11/21, my firefox’d allow me to go control-P and then “print to PDF”, which resulting file was searchable!
The Cheap ’n’ Stupid Apple SD Socket and the mournful asus decline ... ’n of course HP....
... While I’m at it, I will commemorate a few more fallen/falling:
Hard as it is to believe, Bed Bath & Beyond use to be a good store. They apparently used to employ creative buyers, who’d get things like my ravishing three-season “winkie” of a spring/summer/winter landscape, or pitiful little diorama crafty boxes — before ever coming to my southern paradise, I had a little “beach” box which innocently evoked sun & fun....
Both these stores, as part of their death throes, have indulged in pitiful bits of woke perversion promotion, taking their place in the great mandala of communist fronts which so enliven our national scene. Those of us of the hideous despised Republican persuasion have sometimes concluded it’s the wokiness that brings them down — Target’s “perversion for children campaign” still underway even as I drivel, in honor of National Perversion Month — but my subtle analysis is they first get stupid, then a corporate power vacuum lets the innocent mice play, symptom of decay and inevitable doom....
On a vicious end-stage capitalist site like amazon where a ridiculous firefrenzy “please oh please check our so knowledgeable fancy review checker” box would make it impossible to see the page, there might be a price tag icon wasting space on the URL bar.
If you click the stupid thing, it’ll open the BETA review checker box, and I clicked the unhightlighted choice at the bottom of the stupid window, the ever-popular scam-o-rama “Not now”. Ez-peasy eh?
You are FORBIDDEN from removing the URL icon. This is how it will be after the revolution....
The admirable macro express, version 4, pathologically ran the “firsttime.exe” wizard at startup, no matter how many times I told it not to. After cursing the darkness for years, I put a “kill95 firsttime.exe” in the right place in my autoexec.bat, but then renaming the stupid thing to firsttime.exe.NOT and copying my beloved nop32 to firsttime.exe seemed to fix it good. ... Sadly, I assume the pitiful hacker leaves the annoyance in to encourage me to buy another version — which, sadly, has the exact opposite effect on me.
My paypal account went south and here I was as usual agonizing about the horrible wrinkle in the internet, as if it were something broken — when of course it wasn’t anything broken, it was paypal’s sincere desire to own my cellphone number just because they love me and want to help me, not because it will acrue on the happy side of their balance sheet along with the other millions of cellphone #s they would never use for any kind of sneaky skulduggery heavens to betsy who could think it?!?!?! ...What all I found out when I tried to setup a new account and they demanded a cellphone ’cause they love me. ... That is, I was such an old customer, I was in before they extorted cellphones! ... And now I’m out....
... That’s right! For a few months before 12/21 I’ve been trying to buy things at my beloved trashy merchants with paypal, and it would fail with the usual incomprehensible error messages — but of course they couldn’t just say “we haven’t extorted your cellphone # yet, you pitiful craven shopping addict”. ... And I actually thought it was the fly-by-night merchants duplicitously trying to evade the paypal percentage! ... But in my childish ignorance I picked the wrong thieves. ... Oh what a tangled web....
Sun 8/14/22. And some of the usual merry criminals are doing some kind of “man-in-the-middle” paypal scam, where they entice you to sign-in to your account because of a dire obviously false charge, so they can steal your password. Probably wouldn’t work with me anyway, but it shows how paypal is getting on....
10/20/22. And then in the last few weeks paypal boasted they’d fine people $2,500 if they committed various woke-offensive speech crimes — the weird rule rescinded in a little while, maybe, or who knows. Obviously a fine reliable service to use for your payments....
The handy Usux™ XCOPY command has probably been broken for a long time. Long-enough so that Stackoverflow can have a totally erroneous comparison of xcopy versus robocopy, as if the latter could be used to replace the former, which it can’t, at least not this morning Tue 11/9/21.
Usux™ upf--ks printer sharing. ... And other exciting tales of technical mediocrity/stupidity, beginning with an exciting epson xp6100....
Selfies? I didn’t realize: it’s all about bluetooth, to trigger the silly iphone!!! — i.e., when it’s on a selfie-stick perilously balanced over some hideously-dangerous natural feature. ... I have to read the manual! I’m supposed to think! ... Oh, the degradation. ... Right we all know how reliable these wireless thingeys are, just touch the button and bingo — NOTHING HAPPENS! ... Oh do you have the latest firmware? Has your iphone got the latest operating system, the one that always turns-on the voice control no matter what? ... Oh well maybe you need to get a fresh battery for the selfie gadget? ... And now I know why those idiots are always injuring themselves with their selfies — they’re trying to make the totally reliable EZ-as-pie bluetooth f***ing work. ... But there is one thing in my heart that I know: my iphone’d work great with the ridiculously-expen$ive Apple watch. For which Apple’ll upf--k your phone software every 15 minutes whether it needs it or not, and after every upf--k every other blue tooth device and probably your wireless connection won’t work....
Google has taken to confining its paid-for search results to the current page — it won’t allow me to right-click/middle-click to open in another tab, so you’re stuck on the page with the wonderful paid-for garbage. I must remember to use bing — or better still, the exalted duckduckgo. ... And @ 3/21, they’ve started suppressing search results on the basis of totally unbiased non-partisan political commissars — they decided searching for “blue anon” — some nasty facists making fun of q-anon suppression which I could explain but probably’d do it wrong — anyway, it was gone for the good of mankind so you wouldn’t pollute your tiny mind with facts. ... Seems to be permitted 8/19.21, but since we know they’ve censored it, who can tell? ... The Washington Communist Post had a slogan (had? — can they still?!?!?) “democracy dies in darkness,” and it sure do don’t it?!?!?!
Tue 8/10/21 7:56 am. Dropbox turns to the darkside: they stole my ctrl+prnScrn key, which I used to invoke the wondrous greenshot screen gadget. To help me: to save my screenshots so easy peasy. Sadly, the option in dropbox’s preferences was already off, so I turned it on, and then turned it off, and I seem to have crushed it for a little while. ... But in modern software, the help never stops ... no matter how annoying, confusing, hostile the delightful stuff is, there’s always another feature a pitiful aspirant in the software warrens can wreck my machine with....
Friday, July 1, 2022 1:11 pm. Google-around for “uninstall dropbox smartsync” and find many web authorities complaining about it, and add me to the list. ... Dropbox of course started doing it without asking, and what it does is let me have enormous giant files seemingly in my dropbox directory — but they’re not actually there! ... Wunnerful isn’t it? But if you stupidly have the dropbox directory in your backup path, as I stupidly did, then the backup will hang-up for varying lengths, and sometimes forever, if the internet’s a little flaky — which of course, it never is. ... And what’s good about it, like a lot of these scammy cloud “backup” schemes, is if you’re actually so stupid as to let dropbox have its way, whenever you want to finally uninstall dropbox for some unimaginable reason — they got your enormous giant files which, even if they’re cooperating, will take forever to actually download — if you can actually do that. ... So vaya con dios ... and excellent scammery, Dropbox!
I reinstalled Dropbox in a place outside my backup, hoping that someone at dropbox central had realized what a collosal upf--k this stupid sync thing is and took it out of the default install. ... But that’d make sense — and that is not the way of modern software....
The files in c:\Windows\Temp\ disappeared on my Win7 system and probably everywhere, so I used the stupid search tool to find the Usux™ util “Disk Cleanup” and used that; there were 3Gb of temporary files. Of course the Usux™ Way takes forever and appears to hang-up — they have special training for that at the great programming schools of Usux™....
Wed 8/4/21 7:24 pm. There is NO WAY to turn off the iphone’s democrat/communist campaign messages on the lock screen. Of course I suppose that’s why I got the pixel where, oddly-enough, google doesn’t do that. ... Lazy I guess. ... And it was so EZ-PZ to get a screen shot of the thing, that I stupidly missed the 600,000 covid deaths predicted scream scream headline. ... Well I’m sure google’ll find some way to keep up. ... & then I examined my beloved’s super-luxury iphone and it didn’t have the news sliding in on the lock screen when you accidentally move your finger! Hoo-whee; of COURSE they know people are annoyed by it, although it is their communist duty to make sure the stupids are exposed to as much science-fearing propaganda as possible, no matter how much they don’t like it....
Oh ... See ... I just didn’t understand! It’s the easiest thing on earth; you just EDIT the stupid screen, by holding one of the repulsive items on it until it wiggles, and then you can move it, or off it, or as I did, off EVERY STUPID F--KING thing, until waving my finger at the lock screen SHOWS NOTHING!!!!! ... Of course I googled 5 million times to “get rid of news on iphone lock screen” and got many amusing instructions from the crustaceans who inhabit the internet, none of course of any value.
And no doubt the super-expensive iphone gets a more tasteful default set, not including democrat talking points. ... Ahhh, so serene....
When your f----g piece of s--t broken-screen ’cause Apple’s so compassionate piece of doodood--g ipad mini happily connects to your wifi, saying “no internet connection” over and f----g over again, I googled for “ipad mini no internet connection” and got
The last troubleshooting step when your iPad is not connecting to Wi-Fi is to reset its network settings. ... Open Settings and tap General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings. Enter your iPad passcode, then tap Reset Network Settings to confirm. Your iPad will turn off, perform the reset, then turn back on.
... And then again, a month later, the same thing worked in our innocent woodland cabin what was the mini’s place of exile. So I guess the real rule is, any adequately old apple product — more than 15 minutes will usually be about right — ALWAYS reset the network settings if you have the strange exotic desire for the network to actually work.
9/20. SYSTEM RESTORE TAKES FOREVER. My Win10 PC is probably weirder than yours (snark snark), but it’s 17 minutes when I just looked, and it claims it’s restoring the registry. Which is cool, becaue it’s a different message than it was for the last bunch. If you look on the web, there are ridiculous fairy-tales about 15 minutes restores, but that’s probably those wretched PCs that barely have a hard drive....
At the 35 minute mark, still restoring the registry. Incidentally, many computers have an LED that flickers to show disc activity, and I, perhaps foolishly, assume that as long as it flickers, the reliable carefully-contrived usux™ software wasn’t hung-up....
Sun 5/17/20. Modern games require expen$ive modern PCs you heard it here last. ... I was curious, so I spent a day downloading ubisoft/uplay covid-19 crisis child distractor free games (of the assasins creed flavor) and I can verify they don’t work on my cheapo $600 desktop. After I turned all the graphics settings to lowest, I got as far as a cute girl purported museum goer sort-of twirling around before a background of existential chaos, flashing on/off — and no further. And then, of course, crash.
... But I will not rend my garments in despair; I could always buy a $3K computer, except I don’t want one. (Actually this puff claims they’re more like a $1K-2K.) So I’ll be stuck with “good old games”, a much lower-rent outfit which deals in the games of yesteryear, which I never played, although I purchased many colorful boxes. Gog didn’t actually work this week — I had to scurry around the web to find an actual downloadable gog, which I couldn’t get from their site, after they warned me that my old copy was hideously malformed — but of course your mileage etc. ... But ubisoft is definitely gershtunk, on my otherwise admirable cheap-junk desktop. ... And I never actually played games anyway, because I found the silly puzzles annoying. And still do. Thus my controlled grief.
... And of course, there couldn’t possibly be any kind of collusion between the ridiculou$ hardware manufactures and the ridiculous game requirement$ ... oh how could I imagine such thing!?!...
Tue 4/7/20 10:25 am. AdblockPlus wouldn’t block a video ad on, and the “block element” icon was greyed-out. So I returned to good ol’ Adblock, and it managed to block it immediately. ... Everybody wants money, including regular ol’ Adblock, and I gave ’em some after a month or so; but apparently AdblockPlus just steals it....
Stackoverflow turns to the dark side: I can only print a single page of their cornucopia of programming answers — unless I use my stupids-evading fireshot save-as-image tool. ... I assume it’s some kind of straightforward stackoverflow copy extortion, but the poor children don’t advertise how to pay the ransom! How wasteful! ... I mean, the fireshot people want money, what I’ve paid-up — but they admit it! ... Sic transit gloria etc....
malwarebytes disappoints.
Apple’s poignant 2FA farewell....
And I think it’s grand the way LibreOffice runs pestering annoyanceware now! I guess they don’t need any donations. ... It’s not too annoying — just “come on kids let’s work together for a better world” c--p — but then I don’t give ’em big donations either. ... None, now of course. Sic transit gloria stupid....
Videopad scam: wonderful free video editor in the standard demo/expire/useless-scam form. Fortunately I didn’t spend much time with it before it demanded pay to play if I wanted to use the edited video for anything. ... And I will confess I was gulled in this embarrassing way because I stupidly assumed MaximumPC wouldn’t recommend a standard scam, momentarily forgetting my fierce scorn for the organized paid-for-puffery that is the entirety of technical journalism. ... Google “FOSS video editor” to see alternatives ... “OpenShot” looked plausible, but didn’t seem to actually work here anyway. ... Maybe shotcut? — it actually could play an AVI file on my win7 system; didn’t try editing.
Usux™ Scores Again: Delivery F--ckization....
Frolicking into the past, I discovered on my new/used Dell Windows 7 laptop the “Dell Data Protection” apps, which appear to aspire to the suckiness of the beloved McAffee computer wrecker. Although doubtless installing malwarebytes first was the wrong way. Also “Dell Protected Workspace”. And I also had to suppress the real-time features of MSE, which the machine denied was there! ... But once beaten into submission, the Dell was quite sprightly, without the marvels of windows 10....
I found my touch pad settings on my 10/17 asus laptop in the windows 10 settings: windows key + i, then search for “touchpad”. Usux apparently writes the code so Asus doesn’t have to, so it’s nowhere in control panel, which is now the bad part of town. ... Of course at the April 18 Upf--k they were probably all trashed. And my taskbar wouldn’t hide, but usux frequently shows its petulant pique that way and someone on the web said to “restart Windows Explorer” in the task manager, but in task manager I saw not a trace, so I clicked on Windows Explorer from the handy task bar icon, and then restarted it in task manager and voila, task bar hides again! It’s all so simple! ... Now if I can just get my touchpad buttons so they don’t stick....
My Android: The Samsung Note 8 built-in “Bixby” malware, The Scam of Scum. ... & a thoughtful additional torment, Google Stupidware. ... And the exciting Google Pixel 6a XL battery rot ’jes like the iphone! ... And the pixel 5a. And the amazon fire versus the ipad minis. ... & hotspots I have known. ... And at last, a latter day samsung galaxy s23...,
Note that the industry-wide spectre/meltdown malware fixes are just really a harmless bit of unplanned (?) obsolescence — the only real solution is to buy a new PC ... eventually, after the CPUs are fixed. ... Of course that wasn’t deliberate; just happens naturally....
The $5 Halide iphone “raw” app is apparently another one of these delightful bogosities whose role in life ’n’ commerce is to con you into gettin’ up there in the totally-popular all-the-kids-r-doin’-it iCloud thingey there, because apparently there is no other way to get the ridiculous raw files off the phone — and, of course, Macintosh required. ... But then again, apparently there is an icloud for Windows, for the relentlessly-suicidal crowd. ... But apparently there’s something else in Halide doesn’t work, I forget what, but I really wasted my $4.99.... seems to have sunk beneath the waves, after a short happy time scamming “restore” disks, in my case for my pitiful outdated PC, some wacko as-is w98 laptop from ebay. However the discs are guaranteed to be useless, since they don’t have the magic secret Usux™ codes necessary to actually use them. Which of course was not mentioned on the site or in the included wonderfully helpful step-by-step useless instructions mimeographed tripe pieces of paper. My ridiculous as-is ebay w98 junk turned-out, judging by the Windows Stupidity certificate on the bottom, to actually be an “XP Home”, which magic codes didn’t work in the “XP Pro: restore“ I foolishly purchased. ... I knew this once in my endless wanderings in the deserts of computerdom ... but I forgot. ... So, live ’n’ don’t learn. ... The still-flying actually had a FAQ somewhere on the site that warned about the code requirement, but the inspiring restoredisks might’ve had one hidden somewhere too; although I may yet try recovery-disks for my pitiful crate, knowing the money will be wasted, which should be the assumption when buying these things....
But in the fullness of time & meaningless tides, it was $6.85 including shipping @ ebay / “totalsoftwarecorp” (maybe?; softwaretotalpc? names are obscure there) which finally brought my pitiful antique laptop back to life. Along with the microsoft XP home disc they sold me was another DVD with, I guess, various popular device drivers, which I used, and thus enabled the all-important ethernet, as well as sound and I guess USB.
... You understand, this without any stinking windows code — the witless Windows Authenticity Tripe sticker on the bottom of the laptop had a code, and I scanned it and printed it out, so I could actually use it, and it worked! — after which I had to go through the endless telephone robot-vital-intellectual-fluids exchange to “activate” Windows the all towering stupid & remorseless....
Broken USB/ethernet adapters — you must reconfigure the ethernet when you plug-in a new USB-ethernet adapter, so it’s just like the one you unplugged, because Windows trashes the configuration in its holy quest for despair ’n’ chaos....
Apple’s poverty & phishing.
When it takes forever to “see” a directory in Windows 7 File Explorer — right-click on the folder (in explorer of course), “properties”, “Customize” tab, change “Optimize this folder for” from cute kittens or whatever ridiculous stupid swill it was set for by the kindly insane winders to “Documents”, and that seemed to do it! ... And actually I seem to have discovered this, and forgotten, before — and it’s still, bless the poor addled programmers, in Win10!
So apple gave-up on the mac pro! The newest baddest mac’ll be the upcoming “iMac Pro”, but of course the suck-uppery only covers the marvel mystery & magnificence. But I guess nobody really wanted a desktop that looked like a plastic trash basket. Which was worse than its predecessor in expandability. The iMac’ll be even less expandable most likely, but then Apple gets all the upgrade$! ... Funny thing, scamming making money.
... Well I am so cynical; cancel everything, the pro’s still gonna get refurbished right up ... any year now. ... Oh man it’s ready now ! ... Get that 2nd mortage ready kids....
Sadder / wiser department: Those robot vacuum cleaners? — or least my now-antique roomba — the catch is, you have to clean them. Frequently, or they just stop vacuuming. ... I mean, your cat does better than that!!! ... What’s the point of a robot that won’t clean itself!?!?! ... Note: I’m not ranting about emptying; you gotta do that of course, which isn’t EZ-convenient. But if you don’t clean the brushes and junk rigorously, it just won’t work anymore. ... My beloved sometimes-obscure Eureka Cordless Vacuum was $60 @ amazon 7/18, and has a plastic bagless thing which, it is true, one must also empty one’s self, but it doesn’t require the minimum half-hour adoration of the roomba. I mean, I have cleaned a Eureka’s brushes after a few years, but only because I’m cheap and want it to go for decades....
Admire the intricate beauty, as windows 10 slowly carefully destroys everything we love and hold dear. And how to fix its exhilarating “I’ve frozen my windows and can’t get up” aka Frozen Focus Bug: control-alt-del, ESC seemed to do it once or twice.....
The ViewSonic VA2446M-LED 24’’ 1080p LED Monitor was inferior to the ViewSonic monitors I already had, from the old days. The way it went in those old halcyon times was I’d buy the cheapest viewsonic in the desired size — but the VA2446 was too cheap! Small gray type, which I got a lot on my screens, looked “broken”; it also appeared to be extra-susceptible to “astigmatic” feature shadowing, which I could induce in the better/older ViewSonics with crummy cables. ... So I replaced it with the next-more expensive ViewSonic. And, to be sure, eventually set it up on my advanced new win10 Lenovo system, where it doesn’t behave so badly....
All the kids are doin’ it: the shipping & handling scam! ... SkyNews, an otherwise upstanding Canadian astronomy magazine (the stars are brighter up there), in their latest resub attempt. ... National Geographic dunned me for their “free tote bag” S&H — until I wrote a nice letter to the attorney general copied to NG re “speculative invoicing” which is the general heading for sending-out ridiculous scammy bills. ... Ah well it must be the wonderful progressive era sunsetting away as all the cute progressive kids get old & bitter....
The perfidious bluray.... hosts malware. If you google for some obscure document like say “Wurlitzer 200A manual”, a jerk somewhere around will offer it to you just for love — and of course downloading and executing his totally harmless “downloader” program — once a popular and almost respectable scam used by many online gonifs in the old days until it got too obvious or I don’t know. I’ve seen pitiful clueless (?) excuses for how the “downloader” program seemed to “help”. I used to think, so long ago, these were actual idiots, but I suspect, now, they were just the gonifs.
... So I guess google’s too busy stealing your personal data to bother with this crustacean stealing your computer....
Stupid Canon printer malware ink window, + the thrilling B200 error....
Once I had a clockworks. ... And decorative solar lights....
Dreamhost + Windows 8/10 + Filezilla, Thunderbird: No email, FTP. ... And a fix. ... And the utterly hermetic secrets of DreamZilla setup. ... — which, if you use a ^click or middle-click to rouse it up in a new tab will still be hidden, because everything works so gosh golly good. Depending on the text size firefox has imaginated today; it works sometimes at the “right” size i.e. too big ^zero. So just try the regular sacred stupid click. Or of course forever ignorant — come ’on kids, it’s fun! ... Then again, setting the beloved Windows 10 “display settings” back to a miniscule 100% (from my laptop’s default 125%?) made everything tiny and the links work again....
My bricking Mazda CX5.
And how about that Windows 8 malware? ... windows 10, as all the world knows, consumes the world with joy in our time, but you can see my antdeluvian hysteria about the lovable Usux™ OS. ... And in the maelstrom I discovered wonderful Virtual ISO info. ... And winhlp32 for win8 & 10. ... And how to install my precious beloved Coreldraw X4 in Windows 10, kind-of. ... And make firefox stop opening windows pathologically...
And usux™’s ingenious conspiracy-in-restraint-of-trade program to destroy annoying Windows 7. ... And the ever-elusive updating fix-it KB3172605?
The rant pages: Rant. Rant2. Rant3. Rant4 (beautiful organs). Rant5. Rant6. Rant7. Rant8. Rant9 (silly cameras). Rant10. Rant11. Rant12. Rant13. Rant14. Rant15. Rant16. Rant17. Rant18 (Computerdammerung). Rant19. Rant20. Rant21. Rant22. Rant23 (more silly cameras), & Rant24, Rant25, Rant26, Rant27, Rant28, Rant29, Rant30.
xkcd |