You were too cheap to get a browser that does frames, but what the heck well let you have some links anyway....
* Atheism (10/15/24)
* Hobiphobia (7/16/21)
* Hoarders & the Free Table (5/4/21)
* Imperfect Faith (4/21/21)
* Giant Meteor (10/18/20)
* Election Lottery (6/29/20)
* Trainkids (5/8/20)
* The End of Listings (4/12/20)
* goto apostasy (3/11/20)
* Romantic Hitler (4/9/19)
* Midterms 2018 (11/5/18)
* The Calculus Scam (3/24/17)
* Milos Sin (2/21/17)
* Hillary, Avatar (11/9/16)
* Modern Scammery (10/26/15)
* The Gay Sacrament (6/30/15)
* The Trustafarian President (11/8/14)
* Henry James (10/2/14)
* Free Beer (1/6/14)
* Democracy and Freedom (6/20/13)
* The Tonic of Vacation (6/13/13)
* The Paradise of God (12/3/12)
* The Shyness of Advertising (6/28/12)
* The Polls Lie (6/8/12)
* Profit (5/23/12)
* Beatmaker Recording (7/18/11)
* Reason to Believe (6/28/11)
* People Like Us (11/16/10)
* Tis a Gift to be Simple (11/15/10)
* Cheap Poetry (10/12/10)
* Why So Multicore Microsoft? (9/20/10)
* Microsoft & Competition (2/3/10)
* There Is No Backup (12/31/09)
* An Xmas Kit Story (11/25/09)
* 96.3 rip (10/9/09)
* The Tide Recedes (6/9/09)
* The General Theory of Stupidity (5/22/09)
* Virtual Cloud Costs Too Much (4/28/09)
* Motivation, Morale, Competence (2/23/09)
* The Programmers Retirement (2/11/09)
* The Age of Lies (2/4/09)
* The Stinkiness of Limbaugh (1/27/09)
* Limbaugh for Obama (12/23/08)
* Explaining the election (12/5/08)
* There is no news (11/6/08)
* Unconcentrated Media (6/19/08)
* The Evolved Society (2/15/08)
* Wither programming? (8/21/07)
* Essential COM (7/25/07)
* The Bead Masters (6/18/07)
* The Virginia Massacre (4/17/07)
* Bye Bye InfoWorld (4/5/07)
* Cosmopolitan Novelette (1/15/07)
* Steam and Microprocessors (12/28/06)
* What Happened: IT (12/15/06)
* The Persistence of Rap (12/14/06)
* The Wandering Minstrel: The Successful Prototype (10/31/06)
* Election Stealing Prediction (10/27/06)
* The Monotheism of the Physicists (10/3/06)
* Java Hiccups & Technical Lies (9/28/06)
* Service Merchandise & Whole Foods (9/19/06)
* Petzold n Programming (8/30/06)
* The Linux Desktop (8/29/06)
* The Internet Boom (8/21/06)
* On Outsourcing (8/21/06)
* On Spam (8/18/06)
* Reality (8/11/06)
* The Failure of Advertising: The Explanation of Everything (6/28/06)
* Bribery (11/3/04)
* Nimby (10/04)
* The end of cheap oil (6/8/04)
* Dotcom TV (8/13/01)
* The Theory of the Leisure Class (1/22/01)
* 2000 Election Nostalgia (11/00)