Sun 10/18/2020 11:20 am. Once again the forces of righteous communism are on the march, and things are looking grim for our beloved fascist president. Every decent woke communist is for Biden, overwhelmingly! 1200 points ahead even today! It’s amazing!
is very gratified at the obvious verdict of the people. Everywhere the
excitement grows, as preparations are underway for the inevitable trump
crimes tribunals. The People Will Not Be Defied!
And thank goodness we have the people of the world totally with the Free People of the People’s Republic of the Divided States — except for those EVIL brexit brits. ... And the despicable capitilist election-meddling putin.
The effect of the Biden landslide’s totally unbiased and non-partisan polling has, ironically, benefited the despicable fascists immensely, with the pitiful capitilist swine crawling over broken glass/donations to shore-up their historically-doomed class & kind. Contrariwise, it induces complacency in the heroic freedom fighters of the left, who are so terribly subtle they will not bother with an election all-but already won by their new class. Indeed, a biden campaign official tweeted that the heroic communist-front members should act as if they were behind, despite the wonderful obliterating polls...
And here I thought these commies were just pitifully bad electioneers — but no! Apparently large chunks of the electorate respond positively to riots and arson and covid extortion! But for me the contest is over; Trump’s smart but apparently not smart enough, and ’though his attack lawyers may still pry the presidency from the pitiful whimpering hordes of starving male menstruators — actually the unanimous unbiased totally no-partisan media headlines sort of suggest it — but I don’t think anything less than a massive trump victory would’ve contained the exciting so-looked-forward-to communist moral plague. ... But que será será u know....
And really, that he had such a close race against a virtual corpse plus arson & riots — it does not speak well of the trumpster. There are no theoretical politics (at least until the democrats finally fix everything): people are elected because they get votes, and the bottom line is Trump didn’t get enough votes ... maybe. ... But it is amusing to watch the communists squeal ’cause Trump won’t accept the obvious decision of the Great Nullity Gaia what rules us all, & he dares to challenge obviously-corrupt counts in the courts! ... That should be illegal! Only democrats get to do that!
And I realized that, ’though hopeless
it may
be, the trumpster is performing an important public service — legitimizing
Republican court whining after losing an election! ... In my
enormously-long lifetime, I believe there has always been a tacit
understanding that republicans must win by a sufficient margin to make
court challenges impossible, i.e. from the kindly non-litigious unbiased
non-partisan communists — and if they can’t
do that, they should quietly give-up like the gentle-born gentlemen
they are. ... And, inspiringly, Trump is breaking that gentlemanly
precedent, along with so many things, and also he got so many
pro-America judges
appointed, not to mention the supreme soviet, that republican challenges
might succeed — which of course they never would, when the judgocracy
was totally democrat, because as we all know, democrat judgocrats,
like the
mainstream media, are totally
unbiased and non-partisan.
... But still, sadly, my days of vicarious participation in one of the most annoying presidencies of all time are, I am afraid, drawing to a close — the annoyance, to be sure, entirely confined to hate-america democrats and RINOs. ... But now I can move on to glorious grumbling about how it used to be, sonny, when we didn’t riot & arson, no sirree. ... Although actually in my liberal criminal youth I probably would’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.....
Really, the politics is silly; I’ve realized this for many years. One of the most beneficial effects of our historic tyrannies was the coining of money, which is quite intrusive, as the heroic/crazy Ayn Rand appreciated. If the kids want the gubmint to change their diapers — well, so be it! ... I think I object most to the lying. One of the nicest things about tyrants is they don’t bother lying to the people, at least on the usual BS virtue signaling c--p. I can actually recall my liberal criminal past when, along with so many morons, I figured stealing was OK. I mean, why not? Property is theft, etc. ... Of course as with so many things I was never very good at crime, but I think even then the lying part still daunted me. ... & still does....
But there’s definitely a silver lining! The poor communists are quite
obviously scared stiff of the
trumpster! ... The guy lost in a landslide
(official communist polling results), yet the inspiring biden inaugural
will have 24K troops deployed, with bullets,
to keep trump away....
I’ve simplified my election summary. It’s true, I assumed the
arson/riots would get trump votes, but no: the
great “undecided” — the ignorant and pitiful, aka “democrats”
— were frightened
by the arson/riots and of course the wall-to-wall coverage by the
pitiful tattered remnants of the unbiased non-partisan communist propagandists.
Trump didn’t do anything
about it, except complain in tweets. The Teleprompter promised to end them,
ever-so sotto-voce, but nevertheless
— the Holy Michelle promised
the chaos’d end only if they only elected the Teleprompter. So did
Those were Camilla’s immortal words when some unbiased non-paristan communist propandist asked her how she could consort with the loathsome racist Biden, like she demagogued in the primaries. ... So all the White Lives Stink peaceful demo riots? — just politics. ... And how the police stopped shooting innocent blacks who were just minding their business, trying to make a living, taking illegal drugs, and committing criminal acts? — once the Holy Teleprompter won? ... Just politics....
And the pitiful frightened electorate knew that. They were wiser then us poor fascist thinketariats. They knew it was just politics, and it’d stop when The Teleprompter won. Like the demagogues promised....
Suggesting the inevitable fascist response will be an anti-insurrection campaign. There is apparently language in the existing national guard law or something where the prez gets to override governors if they’re working to overthrow the government. Which the democrats are historically famous for, in that racist anti-black civil war thing that that racist Lincoln forced on the innocent democrats. ... Obviously the patriotic peace-and-freedom-loving democratic communist front will be forced to deploy riot and arson in any election there’s the slightest chance of them losing, and so the republican fascist candidate will run on a law & order thing, so at least the more totally-peaceful innocent totally-nonpolitical & unbiased peaceful rioting/arson goes on, the more the fascist republicans can be incensed....
So somehow I skipped the glorious inauguration of the teleprompter; I imagine the peaceful demonstration riot / arson / walmart looting were inspiring, but sadly I just played with my silly cameras and wurly....