Hobiphobia: Festering Sore or Subtle Mockery?

Fri 7/16/21. In our wealthy-beyond-the-dreams-of-avarice society, we pursue various harmless activities in which there is no conceivable monetary gain although, to mention one obvious and numerous bunch, model railroaders apparently derive a considerable “something” from their tiny trains and scenery — not unlike the practitioners of the “bead game” in Magister Ludi. ... I myself get “something” out of my beloved silly cameras and their pitiful spiritual begetter the DSLR although, to be sure, my gratification is mostly the snooty derision I imagine myself casting-about....

But there are, in our otherwise boundlessly-perfected republic, where no perversion will ever be left behind — there are, nevertheless, people who are hurtful about other people’s hobbies. ... Appallingly, such people are often dedicated hobbyists themselves, although their ocean-going sailing yachts or ecologically-miraculous oyster farms are virtuous preoccupations, unlike the silly hobbies of others.

Just Kidding

And after mocking some innocent victim for being stupid enough to buy a endearing Hannah Montana electric guitar, the perpertrator will pretend benign ignorance and mock the innocent victim for imagining hostility! This behavior frequently goes along with the socialist mental disorder, since the socialism-afflicted know that their praiseworthy & ecological activites are nothing like the pointless wheel-spinning of clueless pitifully-capitalist conspicuous consumptive hobbyists.

But on another hand, model railroaders, for instance, have definite statist tendencies. I’ve always assumed the guys with the steam engines were lost in the anarchic free-market past, while the dielsel fans were obviously smitten with the beauties of state control ... although I’m probably wrong....