ThunderjunkHow to export/import Thunderbird address books(But see my maybe better but obviously riskier trickey below. And ridiculously slower but probably less risky here.) This is an amazing obscure thing some renegades might want to do and I was one. ... So I went to a computer with a happy collection of addresses in thunderbird, and
One reason the above is so exciting is that as far as mortal computerists know there is no way to transfer thunderbird account settings — all those chicken tracks that let you access various email accounts. ... Go ahead and google “thunderbird accounts import” and the world will laugh — at least mozilla “support”’ll give you a ridiculously-arcane description of wandering directories numberless to man to accomplish this obviously little-desired task. ... There’s a program “MozBackup” which should theoretically accomplish the herculean chore but it only did that long ago and far away, although it’s probably worth trying — since there is nothing else? ... But wait, there’s hekasoft. It created an enormous gigabyte+ thunderbird backup file, but when I restored it to a thunderbird on one of my pitiful derelict machines, nothing noticeable caught on fire. ... But then foolishly I did it again; it GPFed a little, and wrecked the poor thunderbird, what I had to do an hour usux™ restore from my thinking-ahead restorepoint.... Actually Copied Thunderbird Settings!I just did it @ Wed 3/10/21 3:45 pm and while I haven’t actually tested with any email, I probably will someday. Anyway,
Right? ... Of course! ... Bon appetite. 3/4/23: Succesful legitimate copyTo get recent thunderbirds to allow access to useful menus, one has to press the ALT key and then guess the menu. I think the Export menu is on the Tools menu, but who knows?
It transferred all my accounts, emails, and no doubt gigabytes of useless junk, and then of course all the email accounts required re-entering my passwords etc. etc. But it worked! So far....
You can ESC ScamZilla’s annoyanceware demand which is run at every startup, but probably that’ll be suppressed as they travel down the dark road. ... It’s such a sad thing when programmers want money! They’re such important insiderist knowledgeable people, that they’re fully entitled to steal it! ... Once, I gave ’em money, obviously not recently-enough, but no más of course.... And then it occurred to me that these innocent predators may’ve not had any interest in updating the program — since it’s easily dismissed — they just want us to see the tasty advertising! ... Quite likely and just about as repulsive.... And our replacement is WinSCP, a thing of beauty and not malware-esque at least today. And I will paypal ’em $25 if I can upload this astonishing & beautiful index page — to spite filezilla at least.... And then I discovered when I invoke Filezilla with a command-line argument to update this web site, it doesn’t annoyware! So they’re just trying to injure the weak and confused, and us real techy creeps when we’re trying to figure something out. Excellent! ... Or maybe they just forgot. ... Or I suspect they’ve given-up after wild outcries, but they’ll probably never recover, since many who might’ve donated won’t after a single experience with scamzilla.... 5/20. And then, when I was going to relent after a few months scam-free, I couldn’t donate — couldn’t find a web site.... |
Mozilla Email Extortion: bogus firefox “profiles” scamWhen I first encountered this ugliness, I was on the road and sure it was some Win10 upf--k! Because I know how Usux™ loves us dearly. My first suspect wasn’t the proud FOSS Mozilla Firefox, who are in fact the evil demons who were strewing multiple firefox instances across my laptop. ... Reconstructing things when I got home, Firefox updated itself, and I got a “Changes to your Firefox profile” page, what said In order to make it easier and safer to switch between installations of Firefox (including Firefox, Firefox ESR, Firefox Beta, Firefox Developer Edition, and Firefox Nightly), this installation now has a dedicated profile. It does not automatically share your saved information with other Firefox installations. and What are
my options? and a handy box where I could enter my email and sign-up to the beyond-belief universally-beloved FireFox Sync. Which was offensively useless years ago! But Mozilla would really like to have my email — because they love me, not, you silly cynic, ’cause they want to sell it to demons of the night to torment me.... Still ThereSaturday, September 24, 2022 9:00 am: & by golly, on my antique win7 road machine, they’re still doing it! It’s probably disabled for newer windows, but they leave the scam in there just in case I should ever think I should donate to them.... What the FireFox Profiles Upf--k Really DoesIt makes practically every invocation of firefox open in a new, different firefox window. I would assume, by the awfulness of this shameful atrocity, that many others beside me expect our invocations to open in the same copy of firefox, in a new tab, like it used to, before the scam. Destroy the Upf--k?I googled, and I think entering “about:profiles” in the
address bar will get you to this screen And if you’re feeling psychotically generous, you can donate your email address to Mozilla anyway. ... I’m never giving them a penny again. ... Good thing, ’though, they got rid of that awful obnoxious nazi trump guy — I vaguely recall his sin was failure in abortion enthusiasm ?, the tainted heretic.... CautionThis seemed to work on at least two machines in my herd, but now that Mozilla is in the scam-o-rama racket, they presumably will make escape more difficult at the next upf--k. ... Of course google Chrome is even scammier. ... Or perhaps the update that showed-up in a few days reversed the scam? All I know is, for a week or two on the road I was having a terrible time with this malware feature, and I want to applaud Mozilla for achieving so much in the important torture-the-customer area.... But all is forgotten. The Wall of Internet Silence is intact, and no evil will be wrot of anyone who conceivably could be a sponsor. Such is the rule of Holy Communism.... |
Usux’s Brilliant Windows 10 Delivery F--kization5/15/18. Of course they call it “Delivery Optimization” and you can tell it’s going on when your wifi is totally hammered by a monstrous download ’caused by your PC — or, as it’s known in the trade, Usux™’s PC — ie.., exactly like a giant nasty virus had taken over your crate, and of course it has: Windows 10, udpated. ... Anyway, this page driveled on about it in a defensive way, and basically you got to find the Windows Update settings, advanced something, and turn-off “delivery optimization”, and ol’ Winders 10 doesn’t make it easy; it’s as if they’ve got something to hide, & I forget how I found it.... When I managed to turn-off the thing, however, my beloved Dumeter (3.05) network monitor cleared to peaceful nothingness, and Usux™’ll have to download their next virus some other way.... 5/18/18: Of course when it was Delivery F--kizationing on the road I couldn’t read the page, because my wifi was hammered to total oblivion while I cowered in a modern motel (homewood suites ocala FL) with broken wifi and my derelict iphone6 hotspot. And oddly, this happened after I got updated with the network-destroying wonders of the April 18 upf--k. ... So
Of course you won’t be able to see this either with the wifi hammering, but I keep a copy of this inspiring website on my various machines so I can. ... And oddly the beloved spitting incompetent monopoly appears to be downloading another wonderful update, no doubt to fix the numerous things the April upf--k broke.... |
My Own Private Dr Dobbs Letters Page!Print publications have come upon hard times, particularly computer mags, and Dr. Dobbs is no exception — they’ve come on such hard times, they can’t afford a letters page! ... I, on the other hand, have derived immense enjoyment over the years shooting-off cranky letters to the editor, particularly to technical magazines. So to satisfy these mutual unmet needs, I inaugurate my own private Dr Dobbs letter to the editor section.... A Single Letter on the Letters PageWell as it turned-out, this was the only Dobbs’ letter-to-the-editor I felt moved to document, I can’t imagine why, but the subject turned-out to require another imaginary letter, for a surprise ending.... And Then Again....In the 11/07 issue, the editor explained how vicious fascist Republican capitalists were responsible for Wikipedia vandalism — “we know now why university professors don’t encourage its use as a valid bibliographic source” — and it occurred to me, perhaps they want to encourage us to go to their pitiful web “presence”? ... I mean, it’s obviously inflammatory as well as stupid, and the normal reason for doing this — I mean aside from the pitiful progressive cri de coeur — is to stir-up debate, controversy, response. ... But no; it’s just the poor editor’s brain flying to pieces; there’s no prominent box or something with their web page or anything.... Application Responsiveness by Joe Duffy (Dobbs 10/06)ARTICLE SUMMARY Microsoft’s “program manager on the CLR team” contends that “generally speaking, any data- or compute-intensive tasks should be done on a separate thread, even if that incurs overhead for worker synchronization”. The article does not discuss the typical order-of-magnitude increase in debugging difficulties that attends multiple thread use. MY CRANKY LETTER TO THE LETTERS-PAGELESS DR DOBBS 1. If you are doing
compute-intensive tasks, one
obvious way to avoid slowdown is not
to use an
interpreted environment like 2. In Delphi, there’s
can call now and then so the user can click a cancel button and/or see
the progress bar update etc.; I assume That is, programming
magazines and environment vendors may find it fun and profitable to
for more threads, but the practice is still unsavory and, in many
typical suggested cases — i.e., Obviously there are occasions for multitasking — operating systems, say — but I have yet to be convinced that the execution of these kind of activities in complicated object-oriented environments is much of an improvement over simpler C-language constructs — or assembly language, for that matter. — Monday, September 25, 2006 3:34 pm P.S.
(10/4/06) Apparently I have been parroting John Ousterhout’s 1996
presentation Why
Threads are a Bad Idea (for most purposes). ... Of course,
that was before computer scientists discovered There, I feel so much better. ... Although perhaps it’s fortunate I’m the only one who reads this site.... All Is Revealed!But loyal readers of these pages will be gratified to know there probably is a reason for Microsoft’s strange desires, also revealing the puerility of my imaginary letter. Which is that Moore’s Law is feeling poorly, and the only way the software industry — Microsoft, approximately — can get back on top is to multi-process the heck out of stuff! ... But it’s hard to multi-process with a single thread, hence the friendly monopoly’s advice as above. See,
of the reasons we were going to learn to love + LINQBut then again, Microsoft might be able to multi-task your single-threaded program if you happened to write it in SQL. ... And I very much suspect this is the plot behind the newly-introduced LINQ feature, where you can stuff SQL-like statements right into your C# scripts — which I must say, struck me as odder than the usual Microsoft standard when I first learned of its approach. ... But as explained in Parallel LINQ: Running Queries on Multi-Core Processors, p 70, MSDN Mag, 10/07, any day now those queries’ll easily run in parallel you lucky scripters, and perhaps ameliorate the Moore’s-lawless pokiness of your C# and VB code — and so all is revealed! ... It appears the approximate plan today is to enhance/convert the cavorting CLR languages into declarative-type SQL-like things, and the many processors in your box will race away with the logic and all will be for the best.... |
to the
.NET + C++ & Visual Studio 2005: What’s Up? Among other tantalizing treasures,
Microsoft’s Nishant Sivakumar wrote a lovely book “C++/CLI In Action” all about Visual Studio 2005 and C++, and how it can help you resurrect tired old C/C++ code, especially the tired old MFC variety. ... I must admit I thought the book was about interoperating managed and unmanaged C++. ... But as I got within shouting distance of the end, I noticed that he hadn’t shown me what I had innocently imagined to be the piece de resistance: a winforms application that worked with unmanaged C++. ... As I finally realized, that would be because You
may wonder how I can make such an assertion after the thoughtful
wrote an entire book about
How to Compile Unmanaged Code with Windows Forms — and CrashI
a Macintosh program mostly in C++ code + Xcode
for the Mac
GUI; the plot was
perform a similar underhanded
trick with
... Casual googling suggests that the _CrtIsValidHeapPointer assertion failure is something that just happens when the code is rotting in the darkness but no one really knows why. ... And apparently “Crt” is supposed to signify “C run time”, not Cathode Ray Tube.... Please
understand, VS2005 can compile average C++ programs to 80x86 binary
executables just as good as it ever did. ...
The magic and mystery department is the combination
of A
Managed C++/.NET Program
Sure, I can compile a managed version of my test program — with /clr:pure and without the #pragma unmanageds — which doesn’t crash. Quo Vadis?But what’s the point? Why
would we do this? ... For the Macintosh, the Objective-C/C++ approach
sense for new software,
as you get real compilation + the
pool of skilled professionals like myself who know C++. ... A So
Must You Be So Negative, Owen?!Well I would suggest that
if for whatever
reason you must
the obviously confused programmer 1.
I believe many Windows
projects wouldn’t be adversely affected by the interpreted slow-down
of 2. C++Builder used to have MFC support, although I have no idea how well it works or how easy it would be to integrate into a C++Builder forms project. 3. Well I found at least one annoying bug without really trying that hard: in /clr, the VS2005 debugger doesn’t properly render values of any globals. ... Which does suggest that any serious investigation is likely to turn-up more parts on order.... 4. (4/16) Well it turned-out of course Microsoft disavowed .NET and its works, and so just forget about it.... |
Update No More Forever?When I was a feckless youth, I got in the habit of updating Apple operating systems when they were free, because I, to a regrettable extent, bought the uplifting notion that Apple was different and wouldn’t try to screw me, at least not so hard as Usux™. ... Foolish geezer!... But now I know that the only reason a profit-making company gives away software is to make money. It’s not a bad thing; lying about it is probably morally corrupt, but doing it isn’t. ... Whatever; I can say with fair certainty that the last 37 OSX/iOS upgrades have not been particularly-helpful, providing no features I was deeply lusting after. Indeed, in most cases even ’though the flatulently-suck-up magazines and web sites’d would puff the bee-jeezus for the cause, the upgrades were mostly unnoticeable.... Except, of course, the afflicted machine would run slower. ... Amazing how consistent that is, eh? And now Usux™ has joined the “free” upgrade frolics. ... Over the weary years, new Usux™ OSs always made the hardware run slower — not of course because of any restraint-of-trade conspiracy between Usux™ and the hardware manufacturers. ... Now that they’re givin’ ’em away, whaddya think? ... I had already concluded it was folly to pay for a Usux™ Windows upgrade. If so, how foolish to take it for free? ... Really the lingering “get windows 10” spam icon tells me all I need to know. With Apple, I’ve found the annoyanceware icon can be dismissed, at least this last time, by clicking, and then refusing the ridiculous terms in that endless 237-page document they want you to accept.... Intentional BugsBut of course, as the giant never-restrain-trade-what-R-U-thinking monopolies try to force system software on us, there will also, inevitably, be intentional bugs. ... No incriminating emails necessary — all software is buggy, and all one has to do is leave one or two annoying things, perhaps even stuff that’ll work so much better on the latest/greatest hardware — just leave ’em in, until the next update, or who knows when ... by “accident”. ... It’s so EZ! ... So I sullenly updated my hand-me-down iPhone 5, in hopes that the every 15-minutes touch freezes would abate (didn’t; turned-out phone was broke). But before I updated my pitiful antediluvian iPad 2 — whose role in life seems to be providing me with random factoids as I loll-about on the couch, for which usage the execrable Safari hangs-up at every other page — I realized, why not use Chrome instead?!?!? ... But it was worse.... ... But then ...Of course, the ipad chrome was even worse, and so I updated in the end. I haven’t the strength of character to deny them. And the performance didn’t deteriorate, noticeably, at least this time, with the iThings. ... Didn’t get any better of course.... ... AgainOne tremendous advantage of my antique iphone 4 is that it won’t upgrade to iOS 9; it has fallen too far behind the herd, they shun it now. And also — it’s significantly smaller than the ever-enlarging modérne iphones. A Mac|Life magazine letter begged for a new iphone that was as small as the version five! Another victory for obsolescence. ... And I believe Apple has responded! ... And indeed, an iOS 9 iPhone 5 we’ve been beating back to functionality has a new trick: it requested “Apple id verification” in the locked screen. Which, no doubt, would open one’s beautiful wonderful everybody-must-love-it-since-we-have-to-trick-everyone-into-using-it iCloud access.... The Walking Dead
Tue 12/22/15 7:28 am. And then Apple must’ve tricked me into updating the iMini in a moment of weakness — well, no, it must’ve done it without asking, and without me accepting the holy conditions! — and now it takes 5 minutes to boot — the boot ritual for the rest of us, at least us sluggards who refuse to keep up and buy new hardware but nevertheless foolishly update our software. ... And then it died.... |