But it's cute as a button. As to be sure are most of the silly cameras, whatever their mundane defects in what we call the real world if you will pardon the expression....
Back at the fujilfilm corral, I must happily report the A201 was supplied with its own proprietary-as-all-get-out USB cable, to go with the fraudulent stupid media, so all in all it is a wonderful evocation of a golden era. But the seller, oddly, included stupid media film, so it's still a breathtaking bargain.... |
So my first hurdle was figuring-out how the zoom zoomed! ... Well actually before that I had to install a new CR1220 clock battery so it wouldn't keep whimpering at every power-on ... and then I guessed the zoom was the up-down arrows — couldn't find it in the manual! ... And then I went to buy some more CR1220 batteries.... And actually the zoomed shot wasn't so good, and the others were darkish. ... And by 2006, PC Magazine observed price omerta, but they claimed the a430 was "inexpensive" so I can't snoot even about that. ... But the new box & appurtenances are lovely, and the camera is cute — and what else is there? |
... It's really fraudulent to sell such cameras without noting scammy not-so-available film, but I've borne-up under the injustice because I of course knew before purchase. And presumably hardly anybody would buy one of these things thinking to get a bargain, although perhaps someone so ignorant that they don't know how to make their phone work might be gulled. ... But no, in these days the silly camera purchasers must be composed of those of unbalance tendencies such as myself. ... But sadly, the time has come when there are too many silly cameras, and I had to achingly consider how to carve-out another shelf from the existing cornucopia of all kinds of dubious junk that I treasure. So I made a terrible compromise, and I will de-access selected silly cameras by storing them in plastic drawers in the dark — boring silly cameras with scammy proprietary (of course) chargers which I couldn't pick-up and use without an agonizing charging cycle delay anyway. ... Some of the proprietary-charge cameras are amusing-enough so I will keep them upon glorious display, such as the coolpix 990 with its rotating head — which, on inspection, hasn't got the nasty proprietary battery but perfectly decent AAs which I could replace in a trice at any moment and take pictures with abandon — if the silly thing weren't too much trouble, 'cause of the weird rotation. ... And then I put-away an S4000 and got to entomb it in its own original product box, which was strangely gratifying... But never mind ... it's all so beautiful ... and silly.... |
Along the weary way, I discovered that usux™'s search "bing" knows not the dark corners of internet as well as google, when some criminal cretinous page set-off a giant shouting alarm with flashing lights and stupid frenzy what I had to quell with control-alt-delete & task manager. ... So I have learned so many things. The CP5000 was "$1099 (street price)", or so says this contemporary silly article, so that's wonderful. ... The actual pictures are disappointing but this was such an advanced camera I should read the manual. ... Which didn't seem to help much. More relevant, perhaps, were my exciting experience with the annoying Nikon D80 — perhaps the 5000 is also an enthusiast camera where the boring automatic stuff is broken.... &/or
the too dark pix might have been the state
of the art
in those dark days, so the pitiful Macintoshers wouldn't whimper about
washed-out photos from their fancy camera set to "auto". ... There's an
exposure compensation button A final indignity was the genuine Nikon brand 8MB!! CF card what the seller graciously included — 3 or four pix, max! ... Just a sampler of course, and quickly remedied after a glance in the silly drawer.... |
... Momentarily I was confused by my "A515", but that's a pitiful polaroid, perhaps attempting to insinuate itself into a canon sequence but still, now I'm concerned I'm completion-ing the times 10 A5?? sequence. ... And then in my studied ignorance I happened upon the astonishing wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_PowerShot_A, where all the a-prefix cameras are listed in ridiculous abundance, so I will never suffer from completionitis — although of course I have many of the cameras in their monstrous chart ... but probably not even a majority.... |
But for now, I guess I'll inter the pitiful thing in the broken camera box, with so many other fallen innocéntes. ... &, pitifully, I bought another ebay special, but this one a high-quality $11.31, and there's a picture of the camera displaying a picture! ,,, Bound to work great.... 4/23/21.
The second broken A530 arrived! ... I deluded myself that the first one
could've been vendor error, although it probably wasn't, but this one
was obviously
a scam — the
image on the back was gershtunk along with the apparently inevitable
"card error" — so I petitioned ebay, who provided me with a teeny
totally-illegible PDF return label, and the process for printing it
exited in less than 30 seconds so I couldn't even try and beat it up.
... So I disputed the charge. Sun 10/24/21 2:11 pm. But then on a lazy weekend I brutally impact-adjusted the 2nd broken A530 and it will no-doubt will never be a particularly reliable workhorse, but it has successfully taken four pictures, recognizably of the desired subject, and thus now is a total triumphant victory and joins the silly throng in blushing competence.... |
But it took a picture without dawdling! Indeed it was supplied with a vast 128MB SD card! And the box appears to include a genuine Kodak tripod! And I actually had to remove one of the camera stickers advertising some wonderful feature, 'cause I couldn't see the screen to set the date/time! And indeed the picture of the case on the box looked just like the one inside — except the actual case inside didn't have the Kodak logo. ... Certifying its glorious silly camera status, it barely has any info at Dpreview, only a mention in some antique Kodak puffery. 7/7/21. Now the internet has returned and I can annotate my precious gadget with wild excess, but the broken internet had just about as much cx7525 info as the super-fast bluestream wonder we've graduated to — I found no hits for "kodak easyshare dock cx7525", although I am not unacquainted with the things, as in my DX4330 complaints. ... The docks were, of course, like snowflakes, each unique to its camera, so the pitiful Kodak-buying jerks wouldn't be able to cheat and, shamefully, get another camera that'd work in the current dock. So my lovely $45 toy is probably quite rare....
But I'm curious if my $300 camera's any good. I had noticed that one of my rechargeable cameras seemed to hold its charge for years, and so maybe it's not so bad. ... I haven't gotten the thing yet, so there may well be excitement in store! ... And counting inflation, my $200 2008 DSLR is worth about $250 today, so it's not so bad.... No wheelAnd then I belatedly checked that the sx540 doesn't have the infuriating sx20's obviously-broken wheel, so that's wonderful.... 7/28/21. The sacred object has arrived and is slowly charging-up its supplied battery. In my wild reckless enthusiasm I forgot to put a timer on it — which one should always do, because of the definite possibility of the forever charge — but it's been at least two hours already. ... The manual seems to preserve omerta regarding charging time. ... But it wound-up taking the usual 4 hours.
So I even took the official laboratory picture of my mysterious noah's ark with my s1500! |
So the dubeity of the pixelation is Fuji claimed it was a four megapixel camera, because of magic japanese trickery. Of course it isn't, but apparently it renders the pictures 4mp large. This kind of thing was common in the brutal early days of silly cameradom & its wild west frothery. .. But viewed in xn the pix appear a decent 2 mp or less, and quite lovely, particularly the included selection of a sideway gentleman and out-of-focus flowers. ... And lookee here: dpreview claims it was "$700 street price"! I am living large in the unimaginable past. ... Sadly it looks as if google books, like all google projects must, has dived into meaningless brokenness and no longer shows me delightful magazine ads for cameras of the past, instead producing ridiculous refs. like Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change when I searched for "FujiFilm FinePix 4700z". ... Oh well it worked much better when I gave it something stupider like "FujiFilm 4700", and now it admits in a MaximumPC issue it was $800! & this Popular Mechanics claims the $800 figure too, so it must be so! ... Well "working" may be an overstatement. It definitely took at least one picture, but I would guess the flash has departed this vale of tears long ago. And the little button that opens the flash is marked as if someone, like myself, had considerable difficulty getting it to open at all. Although I'm assuming that's just a pitiful sclerotic mechanical affliction of age ... as indeed would be the failure of the flash to "charge" up to the necessary flashing voltage. ... But still, it probably takes pictures in room light — yes, the pix that came with it are all non-flash. ... I will not be stern; it is a beautiful pretentious silly thing. ... Not as wonderful as the s1500, 'though.... 8/6/21. And then I carefully ejected the stupidmedia and gently inserted it again. Carefully carefully. And tried to take a picture, but it wouldn't 'cause it was too dark. Then with foolhardy abandon I used a fingernail to pop-up the flash — and it took a beautiful picture. More than one! ... It doesn't seem to get enough power from the NiMH batteries to actually set the time, or at any rate keep it, but the vast majority of users wouldn't know about that anyway. ... So it worx perfect.... |
And then, astonishingly, that previous C740 seems to have gone missing! My cryptic notes say it got "boring" so "I took the batteries out" and maybe put 'em in a somewhat-less derelict Kodak. Or maybe it was the derelict Kodak batteries I put in the c740. ... Oh well ars longa. ... A few years ago, I started sprinkling the broken cameras amongst the endless bookshelves and winding corridors of the estate so I'd be "surprised" to come upon one in the shadows of the morning or the bright day — but a few years later I grew tired of this innocent diversion and adopted the broken camera attache case discipline. ... Which, it turns-out, wasn't so disciplined, and I will no doubt come upon my broken c740 by mistake some glad morning, again, with its blue tape.... |
And anyway, I actually have a few factory cameras left to rant at and scorn, at which I somehow got stuck, I guess after tragically rejecting my pitiful sx540 and all that it stands-for. ... And then of course I could get one or more cheap used "EOS" canons, i.e. with changeable lenses, which I never change. ... Of course it's stupid, but the whole silly camera thing is monstrouly dumb — even 'though I love it to bits! ... So at least the silly thing does take pictures. The 50x zoom is of course useless. And I searched for "wireless" in the manual and there are pages of intricate stuff.... |
Like the disgraced sx530, I have set the charming s60 in my endless assortment with its control-side facing out, just because it's more interesting then the front, which has one of those built-in covers which one pushes aside to turn the camera on and reveal its beautiful zoom lense poking out. And of course the s60 has an obvious decent respectable viewfinder staring-out on the control side. ... And then again, the congressional election polls are apparently so triste that another covid variant's got hisself roused-up in Europe, and I believe the Holy Biden has actually declared a New World Order what we'd all better be copacetic with.... |
I should've bought this one instead of my luxurious $200 12mp 450d — this was released before the iphone, whose advent was widely taken as a guarantee of the DSLR collapse, but so in those erlier halcyon days 350d organized puffery never mentioned the price, but was referred-to a few places as a super-inexpensive DSLR "under $2000". Amazon has it for $100-$200; my ebay treasure was just $130. ... So I couldn't find the "350D" ID on the camera although doubtless it's hiding in there somewhere, but Canon obviously felt the stupid "Rebel XT" super sub-brand was the height of chic. ... But when I bought my very first dslr (dslr1.pdf 1/17/16 3:45:02p), even though I was celebrating its obvious obsolescence/decline, even then, I was still a victim of the megapixel disease and doubtless thought the 450d's 12mp was the bare minimum I could stand. ... So innocent ... I'm younger than that etc.... |
So I'm throwing away ancient useless technical books to make room for
more silly cameras; I exile books to the shed in a box for a few months
until I can bear tipping them into the recycling bin. And here golly gee is a mention in the gloriously informative puffery of PC Magazine 11/16/04, claiming the 20D was a $1,599 camera in the day. And I must say, paging through the pitiful scraps google's "books" search provides, those were the days! — there was no advertised price for the 20d, no doubt 'cause canon'd beat you to a pulp if you did that & of course the loyal slavish slatternly whores of the camera biz complied ecstatically.... |
But sadly the no-doubt admirable D580 is going to the broken camera attache case in sorrow & darkness and a scammy xD card I inserted & removed never saw the light. ... It does make a pitiful squeaking when turned-on, but only for a little while until it shuts down into darkness.... This juncture also marks my realization that there don't seem to many more Canons, at least of the DSLR flavor. I seem to have gotten a few cheap DSLRs, but the other snooty antique DSLRs are sky's-the-limit expensive! — $200!!! ... I assume I'll have better luck with the despicable rechargable zoomers — but I'm probably wrong.... 4/15/22. So anyway, I bought a $25 D580 from Amazon, where there seemed to be a bunch. ... And it worked perfect! ... I get such a pitiful little thrill when I put my NiMHs in there, turn the camera on, and it does its little graphic dance on the LCD ... so sublime! ... So pointless! |
But I wouldn't take back the thrill of pushing a fairly-obvious button and actually removing — and replacing — the lens! ... Oh the excitement, the grandeur. ... It has a cute little mode wheel just like a Canon digital camera! ... Oh and it has amusingly-variant "CR2" batteries, which can still be bought, although I won't. ... As various web authorities complain, it appears to be made entirely of plastic....
And I have another Nikon changeable-lens camera, my precious and remarkable D80 DSLR. ... So it's all good. ... Although the same web authorities suggest the camera probably won't work.... |
And really the factory guy is like my relatively low-rent market research — it's hard to tell from the stark assortments at dpreview which ones actually sold in the day, but a camera's presence at the factory guy indicates at least some market penetration, so I don't try buying non-existent silly cameras — a constant threat in my pointless delvings.... |
... But mystery of mysteries, my S4430 has a viewfinder! ... And this crucial feature was hidden! ... Mostly the camera puffery hides the absence of a viewfinder, since cameras without one are useless outdoors and your phone'll work better, but in this case the world has gotten so weary & confused that the ebay seller didn't advertise the viewfinder for his $50 used camera; I had to screen scrape his picture of the back and lighten the image to see it was there and even then I couldn't be sure — the standard scam viewfinderless camera often has an obviously fraudulent "bump" in the right place so it "looks like" a "real" camera, i.e. one with a viewfinder. But this one's actually got it! Cute as a button EVF! ... And a whole new world of ebay depreview-less fujifilm viewfinder cameras opens magically before me! The S4430 doesn't actually work that great when I installed the batteries and then the SD card a few minutes apart and I had to set the date/date twice — Fuji couldn't afford a dedicated date/time battery like in my beloved Canons, so in a standard alternative it relies on charging-up some wretched capacitor so it'll remember its date/time, which works good if you give it a few hours to charge-up at first, and if you don't leave the battery compartment open too long when taking out the SD card to see the beautiful pictures. Conspiracy?No doubt the snootiness of dpreview re my innocent viewfinder fujifilm s4430 is really the popular widespread lovable conspiracy-in-restaint-of-trade, what all the with-it companies use to sell ridiculously-expensive things to stupid people, even 'though the US of A has wonderful rules against such practices, generating income for comparatively inexpensive congressmen. ... And it isn't like fuji got discriminated against and wants to sit-in at Dpreview's lunch counters — fuji's got ridiculously-expensive cameras puffed obsequiously @ dpreview, and they wouldn't want their bargain junk to get in the way of that. ... So it's all good.... |
Of course it may not work when it arrives ... but what fun would it be if these things were all guaranteed on the rocky road of life? ... And it works perfect! Better-than-average camera: the pix are sharp at 100%, which isn't always the case, and it has a separate SD door so one doesn't have to open the battery door to get the pictures. Some random place on the web produced a probably contemporary $210.93 price, demonstrating I didn't get such a great deal and why dpreview et al has to hide these cameras — they're too good/cheap — the ridiculous changeable-lens cameras start at $500, or probably more by now.... |
But all is dust, including the beloved camera biz super ethical standards. And your phone takes better pictures, except in sunlight where a viewfinder is usually better. ... But I rant & rave, and enjoy it thoroughly. ... And it appears when I bought a stupid viewfinderless camera by mistake, I should've been buying a fuji, which are still available with viewfinders for only a few hundred dollars @ amazon! ... And actually there are others — Panasonic at least — all of them no doubt rigidly unseen by Dpreview and the rest of the camera industry — and the panasonic has a stupid rechargeable battery. ... Of course my stupid mistake was a Canon, to which brand I had an obviously mistaken loyalty, since apparently they can afford to ignore the lower-rent viewfinder "bridge" camera market. |
This is the first new camera I've bought in a while — certainly in Florida, excluding my embarrassing mistake — and probably since the 2/10 L22. And the s9900w costs about the same as my fabulous used DSLR (in 2016) where I started my latter-day camera adventures.... Really if I wanted one of these silly cameras for cheap, the ~$50 S4430 would probably fill the bill, or the $40 s4250. But I expect my ridiculous brand-new s9900 will have better low-light performance/speed etc., to amaze & amuse me as the covid world lurks menacingly around us. Although actually ol' covid seems to have backed-off for some reason, but I expect it to make a grand re-entrance for the fall congressional contests, if murdering innocent criminals + riots/arson doesn't do the trick....