Cameras VI
silly cameras are shy; they
hide in their burrows, awaiting better days, as covid
alternates with ever-joyous democrat party “white lives stink”
looting, & walmart burning, but I nevertheless heroically
the silly
camera safari....
DSLR Silly
cameras I II
FujiFilm a205
Canon SD890
Canon a520
Canon a580 Nikon
Canon A460
SD1000 Olympus
Canon A560
Canon A60 Sony
@ 7/4/20
I offer the 1/13
Powershot A1400
in all its beauty and majesty what is on its dawdling way from ebay,
and judging from recent disappointments it'll probably be broken —
so be it! ... Mine not to reason why etc....
I've already got the
inspiring a1300
with the same megapixels so I guess I'm looking forward to discovering
the exciting innovations in the 1400. ... Interestingly, the a1400
manual is also the a2600 manual, the 2600 being the feature-degraded
with no viewfinder and a wonderful proprietary rechargeable
battery for $150
(versus the superior a1400 for $100).
And at last the wandering ebay boat came in, and the adorable
camera is
just like the picture, beautiful chic black, and even with a 2Gb card
in it and crummy batteries, which I've discarded of
course and replaced
with NiMHs. I was going to
recommend the seller, but the ebay receipts now seem to hide
that information, suggesting that so many
forlorn purchasers pester ebay in angry mobs and perhaps I'll just let
it be....
A notable innovation over the a1300
is the centrally-located movie button, so it's much easier to take
accidental movies, which I did, immediately — but I'm wrong —
the a1300's
got it too, so I
suppose the fault is not in our innovations. ... Verified
versus the a1300:
no digital zoom defeat;
no "P" mode. ... So it's wildly improved in every way!
... & then I realized this feature-degradation is
apparently an ancient tradition! The first of the A???? I got, the a1000,
was "IS"; which was gone
with my a1200
unit ... but remained with the a1100....
Realizing I had a completeness failure, I bought a $27 ebay 2/09
Powershot A1100
to fill in the gaping gap between my a1000
and a1200.
... 7/17/20.
And it arrived in a few days, and it is beautiful beyond compare! And
came with a few demo pix, including a video of the seller's place,
apparently, with shelves of cameras/junk and a youth playing a
videogame. ... And so the a1100 is now my goto camera-in-the-morning,
as I wander the estate unlocking doors and taking pictures of monstrous
skies of rain & storm....
Ah life is good....
And then, fighting our way through the clouds of covid,
we visited the Cooper
Antique mall where I found this beautiful 7/03 2mp
FinePix a205 3x zoom
for a mere $10, rotten batteries included!
... So I took it into the
shop, realized I'd thrown-away my cunning battery brush into the
owenlabs chaos, contrived another, had at it — and it is now
perfect without blemish or fault. ... Well it forgets the date fairly
a special mitzva-esque bonus, the XD
card is
filled with somebody's 5/06 Israel trip!
This week's silly camera is a rechargeable 5/08
Powershot SD890 IS
5x zoom from Hitek.
And not only did it came with its charger, but the apparently-original
canon battery actually charged-up! And I even have back-up, in my SD800!
manual explained that a plastic thingey on the lanyard
has a little plastic bump on it, supposedly for pushing the SD card so
it'll pop-up, presumably the tiny-fingered Japanese finally noticing
what giant clumsy hands we round-eyes got....
actually I bought this 3/05
Powershot A520 4x zoom at the
Salvation Army on 8/4 for
$22.50 after an exciting 25% discount ($250?
in the day). The a520 joins its pitifully-inadequate merely 3mp
sibling the A510
in the herd. What also came with a beautiful case which the A520'll
easily take advantage-of — well maybe not, the a520's a little thicker.
... And of course the beautiful a520 is in the proud line of the A540,
my ur-silly camera....
the beautiful camera came with its original box! Filled with exciting
antique software and the manual and wretched accesories, and additional
such debris for a printer,
doubtless part of some package deal in the shadowy years past. I didn't
of course get the
printer, but it probably wouldn't be functional anyway after all these
years, unlike the mostly-immortal silly cameras....
Well I caught this 1/08
Powershot A580 4x zoom failing
to focus when I zoomed across the room! Even when the
little green
square was showing, it didn't, until I moved it around to get different
green squares — which
of course one can't even see when one is using the preferred optical viewfinder,
as opposed to the battery-draining LCD
screen. And actually I had detected this before in others of the herd,
so I guess the holy Canon isn't so great, sob sob. ... But my A540
— the latter-day working one — doesn't do that.
then, in the
a580 menu, I changed "AF Frame" from "AiAF" to "Center" — and then
it worked
much better! The "AiAF", presumably "Artificial Stupidity Auto Focus",
is a called-out feature
in the
camera name
printed on the top
— "PowerShot A580 AiAF" — which I guess explains everything....
anyway, it is a thing of beauty, as are all the silly cameras, even
the unfair competition of my ravishing latter-day pixel.
The luxurious
2/11 12mp
Coolpix P500 36x!! zoom is another hitek
gamble obtained at tremendous expense, but cute as a button! ... It
with a perfectly respectable 8GB SD card, charger, and apparently
battery, which aroused my darkest suspicions as I waited for the
charger light to
turn green, tapping my foot. ... But then again, amazon's got a
charger+2 batteries for just $14....
Inspiringly, the manual says the charger is
"extra-charge" so to speak, so you would be ever more firmly welded to
the Nikon copy extortion,
presumably requiring a proprietary USB
cable to connect/charge the camera @ your PC.
... Well the charger LED
turned green, but the battery
seem to charge,
and all is well & beautiful. ... Genuine antique Nikon battery!
And not bad pix!
And then, amidst the devastation of the covid
plague, I pitifully broke down and bought a $35 5mp
2003 Canon Powershot
G5 @ ebay, to tide me over as I
languished in
the beautiful tropical
isolation. ... 'N it was $800
in the day — what a bargain!
And it arrived in glory and is a beautiful touching little
camera. It
came with the ridiculous brandx case in which it was probably sold to
of my geezer cohort back in the day, who has probably departed from
this vale of tears, so his camera bag, camera,
control, manuals and cables — including an extraneous
SD1000 manual! —
found their way to ebay, and then to me.
already got the G1, 2,
and 3, and I don't
think there is
a G4 — but I could still waste money on a G6 and onwards, ever
ad astra!
... And I managed to take a picture with the remote, although
it did not fall tripplingly to the hand — I had to set it to the
"timer" thing before it'd go, but at last it went, and falls under the
dancing cat heading, amazing but not so great. ... Of course I didn't
set-up the requisite tripod equipment. ... And thus did the primitive
selfie crawl out of the mud....
then I discovered the precious G5 connected to USB
shows-up in file explorer — but not
in my beloved DOS
filesystem, and hence, not in my precious OwenShow!
... Oh bitter
sneaky orientals. Although the USB
provided is for a standard "mini" plug, so that's not sneaky at all, at
least compared to the almost-universal proprietary competition....
$22 bought this
2009 Canon SD1200
@ ebay, and it is a thing of simple beauty,
supposedly $280 at amazon, but actually, tragically, no longer
available. ... Like the majority of my precious silly cameras, it is
a little banged-up, but still takes beautiful pictures — well, sadly,
not perfect:
it's a little fuzzy @ indoor daylight telephoto. ... Even after
I persuaded
it to use the flash!
But its simple heart is still pure, and it will
dance with the herd in the light....
Another beautiful ebay treasure: the 4mp 11/04 Canon SD300
for only $37! ... Not such a bargain I suppose — but it's so cute! ... Tiny
harmless little thing
... supposedly $350
in the day....
And of course it takes lovely pix. And it came
its original box & two
batteries & a charger....
A mere $20 got another exquisite ebay bargain, the 5mp 1/07 Canon A460.
It is apparently a predecessor to the silly camera
I gave the beloved pater,
of a similar vintage,
but the a470's got 7mp
and no viewfinder!
... Will the wonders never cease.
A 6/07 popular photography
says it was a crummy $140.
And the a470 was
comparably-priced. ... Obviously
the silly camera glory days were passing even then, as the dreaded iphone
loomed (released @ 6/07). ... Both a460/a470
have a bogus "P" "program" mode where I could set it to my preferred
1.3 f-stops dark, the better to create precious abstractions of
sunlight and shadow. But both also refuse to turn-off the display in
the "P" mode, which makes them pretty-much useless
for that purpose....
Another incredible $16 value at ebay, my luxurious &
exciting 7mp 2/07 Canon SD1000 turned-out
to be so cheap 'cause had
no charger!
... Which minor detail of course I didn't notice. ... Oh sorrow,
oh geezery!
However, not to worry;
I've bought so many
silly cameras
I actually already had a charger for my SD300
works with the sd1000, so all is well and it takes the usual beautiful
pictures & I am saved from my stupidity by more
stupidity! ... I am so lucky. ... 'N' $250
in the day!
But, tragically, it does
feel as if I'm reaching the bottom of the barrel....
An astonishing $9.99 value at an ebay junk mart, my beautiful 2mp
5/01 Olympus
D-510 works perfectly
... as much as Olympus ever works, anyway. ... And the
endless-puffery magazine MaximumPC
claimed it was $400
in 2001!
But after buying the thing I was astir with
misgiving, forgetting that, in addition to my silly
drawer, I had made a stupid
camera drawer just below, for the proprietary junk section, olympus stupidMedia
foremost among them — what the D-510 uses. Which worked! We are stunned
& amazed. ... And, as usual, pretty good pictures! ... The MaximumPC
"review" recommended using the USB
for offloading pictures,
which no doubt worked better than whatever pitiful stupidmedia
were readily available but was, of course, proprietary itself and,
guessing from the assiduous MaximumPC
the cable was probably an extra-cost exciting accessory....
Pitifully, it came in a silly PS2 (game) case, a
form of
communication between the seller and the great beyond — me, that
is —
the seller obviously not making any money, but expressing
obscure affection for a useless gadget for which, long ago, they could
longer buy the stupidmedia
film, and which their phone camera's abilities wildly outdistances. ...
But they don't want to throw it away; & nor do I....
ebay bargain, my 4mp
2/02 Kodak
CX7430 was only $13! ... But, see, I am commentless!
... The covid's finally got to me I guess.
... as I wander thru the biden landslide all
around me....
12/4/20. This 3mp
5/03 Fujifilm
A210 arrived on the same day as the cx7430,
and occasions a little more commentary: far
from "finepix", its pix are sadly dark. ... So meaningful, in our dark
tragic times....

12/10/20. Returning
to the kindly obsessive-completeness world of wonder, at last I acquire
a 7mp
2/07 Canon
A560 ebay special, $22, which works good and fills in
the gap in the historic series starting with my ur silly camera, the broken
a540. ... Which, in its working
form, has more/better fancy photo features, if a megapixel less picture.
But never mind, the a560 will take a place of honor in the silly herd,
and lovely pix. ... But apparently I already got the a590,
so the completeness is done here....
Christmas 2020.
... Another valuable obsessive-completeness entry, the 2mp
2/03 Canon
A60 cost a mere $29.99 including three
broken CF
cards! ... But actually it's probably the camera that broke 'em; it
seemed to be working on my seemingly-good card. But then that knocked
it over, and it complained again. ... So it's a blue xmas for
But it has its cute stickers on it! ... Probably an
ancient return to a lesser camera store without the sales forcefulness
of my beloved Willoughby's & my broken a540....
But it was $220
in the day! And I was able to take two
pictures in a row without failure. I did
turn-off the display, which probably cheered-it up a little and I usually
do anyway ... and the pix aren't great
— but I am playing with history here, and I must be content. ...
So the lady's three CF cards are probably
OK; it's just a cranky camera. ... And CFs
cost $10 or $20 these days; so maybe I still came out ahead, for my future CF-camera
explorations. ... And one of them's a genuine canon-brand CF
with a canon-brand plastic case! — so well
worth it! ... Owen scores!
Now we get to the hard stuff, a 10mp
1/08 Sony
outstanding in the luxurious incompetence of the brand and the time. It
was a mere $29.99 @ ebay, which is wondrous since the amazon offerings
start at $63, and probably don't
come with a memory stick either. And not
just any memory
but a memory stick super duper pro duo whatever-we-changed-last-week —
the triumph of Sony Scammery. Like an innocent techno-peasant, I tried
to read the thing with a couple of my regular SD/CF/etc.
readers which failed miserably, until I found in the back of the SILLY
drawer a bright green reader with a red scribbled note on it pointing
at the "memory stick" orifice and claiming "worked 10/18" and of course
that was the charm with the stupid proprietary scam film. So I went and
found another such reader in the backup store, and moved the two of 'em
from the SILLY drawer to the far more magnificent and menacing STUPID
drawer, where the memory sticks and stupid
media hang-out. ... And thus do the exciting days at the laboratories
pass themselves...
In 2008, the camera experts at Popular
Science said it was $300
— so it probably wasn't, which is probably why Sony never bothered
make the flash work, although I'm confident there are other broken
features. ... But it's a lovely machine. I took a slew of pictures
'cause after I set the display to "off", it didn't "review" them on the
screen even 'though the option was set, but they must've been so
busy cranking out other scams in those glorious days so long ago.... But
then I "initialized" the thing, and after it made me set the date/time
again, it flashed! And reviewed!
... So apparently the software decays in the camera, but the
initialize'll make it right again. ... The Canon cameras "reset" thing
doesn't reset everything, presumably because it's not
a handy inoompetent software fixit, but Sony included such a function 'cause
they knew their software would
get befuddled, and so what if they had
to "initialize" it just to get it work?