XNMP & Irfanview Random ConfigurationXNMP had some kind of fit which was curable by erasing the directory and reinstalling but then of course all the clever thingeys I’d done were gone. So for my future guidance at least I will present a few things I needed to do. My XNMP Config
My Irfanview Config:EXTERNAL
EDITOR: Shift E. Configured
in xnview larger image screen — i.e., after you press ENTER
in the browser — options, properties/settings, miscellaneous, “set
external editors”. Then Shift-E or shift-1 will invoke it maybe.
course put my paintmenu.bat there. |
The Imperishable Beauty of the Duraflame Fake FireDANGER DANGER Wed 2/19/25 9:51 am The most recent duraflame I purchased has NO WAY to disable the heater with the trickery I describe below. If you switch the power off/on, it doesn’t restart the heat — but I’m not sure that’s good enough; I may still return it to amazon ... — oh wait! Oh Happy Happy Joy Joy! I foolishly didn’t hold the button for the full TEN SECONDS — and that seemed to work, and subsequently if I operate the heater button, it flashes instead of turning-on the heat! The flashing acknowledge DIDN’T occur for the 10-second press, but it still occurs when I press the heater button briefly.... ...
But I must sadly report the imperishable part is maybe not so much,
when one of my herd started emitting a rhythmic “clacking”
quite unacceptable in a fake fire:
“crackling” yes, rhythmic clacking, no. So eventually I took
it apart
which isn’t so difficult and poured half a can of 3-in-1 oil —
a lot, anyway — into
motor/gear thing — setting it on its side so the oil’d
into the motor |
Windows Firewall Control1/17. I see that all through through this beautiful web site I keep referring to “my firewall” or other equivalent sentiments, without actually explaining what it is. I googled “Windows7FirewallControl” and the first hit was http://sphinx-soft.com/Vista/ “Windows 10 Firewall Control” which looks OK; actually it appears to be the inheritor of my beloved Windows7FirewallControl program. http://sphinx-soft.com/Vista/order.html has a comparison chart between the free/pay versions. ... On the one crate where I installed it — because my beloved traditional Windows7FirewallControl wouldn’t start anymore — the “Windows10” flavor wouldn’t start either at least easily, but that was stupid me mistakenly using the portable version! The regular version seems to work great! ... And you can ignore the “windows 10” sobriquet; he doesn’t claim it’ll run on vista anymore, but it does run on windows 7.... Forever FirewalledPlease understand, since Vista, Windows has come with a firewall, but it’s wonderfully polite and in particular will definitely let anything Usux™ desires talk to anything.
If you think you’d enjoy that sort of thing, it’s the firewall for you. ... Historically I got involved with firewalls after I realized some ancient win98 (?) crate of mine was enthusiastically dialing home presumably as part of a denial-of-service attack network, presumably not very effectively with my pitiful modem, and I only discovered it because I could notice the modem doing things when it shouldn’t’ve, because it had little lights on it or something. I don’t really remember, but I do want a firewall so not only can I notice things like that, but so I’ll also notice all the stupid Usux™ and other vile programs that want to chat with mother for reasons ranging from squalid to criminally pathological....
Bluray StinksWell it’s probably perfectly useful for stealing Bluray movies, but then again, nobody won the bluray/hddvd battle — everybody streams their movies from somewhere or copies to hard drives or something. But basically your average bluray disc contains 25 very slow gigabytes, at least slow to write in drag & drop fashion, but costs 50c while a 32Gb SD costs around $12 this week, price to fall no doubt as the weary eons pass us by. But a USB SD read/write gadget costs around $12 also, and many modern PCs have SD sockets already. Except of course Apple abandoned them. The bluray drive can be got for less than $100 but, of course, doesn’t actually work with random file writes. ... Actually in my pitiful experiment, when I wrote stuff to an LG WH16NS40 drive with a single program it seemed to work — very slowly — but when I tried to write simultaneously with two programs, definitely keeled over. And cranked the disc. ... And a firmware update from LG reliably failed. Drag & DropAn
alternate “steal bluray” mode copies all
files you want in a huge chunk and is probably more reliable, but I’ll
never know, because it’s useless, unless you happen to
regularly need to save 24Gb chunks of data — or of course steal bluray
movies. I don’t. ... And you can’t rewrite
discs any which way,
unlike SDs. And
in terms of future compatibility, nothing’s particularly likely,
but SDs’ll probably
last longer than the slow write-once don’t-work
nobody-uses-anymore blurays. ... Of course my simple interests
inevitably wander towards
the antiquarian which is probably why I even ... So see by my outfit than I am a programmer, and hear my sad story.... |
Broken Old Pendulum ClocksThe trouble is, they can’t be fixed. Unless they’re expensive broken old clocks. Because it’s not worth it to fix a cheap broken old clock, in money or time. The internet is awash in helpful fellows who’ll give you detailed instructions on how to meticulously disassemble your intricate clock works, carefully clean it, reassemble it, and then it’ll work just like before, i.e. not at all. Because it’s old and worn-out, just like so many of us.... Many fancy clock repairers are equally helpful, and will happily waste your time with a day or two “estimate” and then tell you it’ll be $3500. Our experience is, if there isn’t someone knowledgable you can communicate with, i.e. who speaks whatever language you speak and knows something about clocks, i.e. not some pitiful ignorant drone — don’t waste your time. Or theirs for that matter, not that I care....
So I went and got a battery wall clock and put it into the old case and it is good. And I got a little battery phoney-pendulum mechanism and stuck it in there too, in the wrong place but it wacks back and forth so industriously. I had been thinking of doing some kind of hi-techery like a pendulum prosthetic that’d kick it every second or so to keep it going, but the wall clock route was just as stupid and much less work. ... If I get real bored someday, I can take apart the orginal or Indian clockwork mechanism and seriously repair it to destruction.
The Betrayal of the PrintersUsux™ Upf--ks Printer SharingSo we can all enjoy throwing away our equipment and getting new stuff which of course Usux™ gets no kind of kickback on, how could I think such a thing!?!? ... Anyway, after two hand-me-down (from LOL) canon laser printers refused to connect a month or so ago, I bought a Brother HL-L2350SW Laser Printer from amazon @ 7/16/21 and, in the great march of mediocrity which is modern murican technology, it refused shared connections @ 10/16/21, right after an especially enjoyable Usux™ upf--k, producing the usual obviously-irrelevant error messages and stupid ridiculous fixit suggestions, in the grand tradition of “are you sure the printer is plugged-in?”. The canons, aside from both having broken hinges, produced no error messages, but wouldn’t print. They all of course were supposedly “shared” with my little fleet of aging PCs, but then they weren’t. ... And in its turn, the Brother refused to share, but at least it complained — with obviously irrelevant error message which, however, specified that I couldn’t share that printer you bad man. Once wirelessed-up, the brothers still occasionally complain that the connection is broken and offer to do a diagnostic, which I’d guess it just another attempt to get lovable advertising onto my machine, but doesn’t seem to fix anything — this, as the printer happily printed my requested junk despite the diagnostic’s denial. ... Today. ... I’m hoping the diagnostic procedure will go away if I let it happen enough but who knows. Eventually I de-accssed BrotherOfflineChk.exe which seemed to shut it up — but still printing! Actually I think the bogus OfflineChk complained about a scanner which I’m pretty sure this printer don’t got.... My guessology is that wireless connections, and perhaps direct ethernet (plugging an ethernet cable directly into the printer) are now the secret officially preferred method, although the banditti at Usux™ will never admit anything, but I could print on my brother printer — for 3 days in a row, now! — by installing it as wirelessly-connected printer with brother’s 218Mb installation program, what you’d better download so it’s not yesterday’s model. ... And who knows? Maybe it’ll print tomorrow. ... Well it did, mostly, by 1/2/22. ... The jury’s still out on my ~$150 Epson XP-6100 Works Sometimes1/2/22. Well at first I connected it with USB, but then of course I couldn’t use it from a different computer. It “worked” wirelessly — but only for a little while. I assume the software was written yesterday in Japanese, but perhaps it will print tomorrow, after I reinstalled it today as USB. But the inneresting part was, it still printed through the wireless on another computer! ... Ain’t life amazin’?!?! ... Of course there’s always tomorrow.... |
Canon ix6820 “Buy Ink” Malware & the B200 ScamIt’s been doing it for a week at least: opening a emergency window YOUR INK IS RUNNING OUT YOU FOOL! PANIC PANIC. ... I have a low duty-cycle with the printer, so the ridiculous early-warnings might be applicable to someone about to print a 200-page document — which only an idiot would do with this printer. ... Today the window refused to go away; no close control. They really really really want me to buy some ink. I pressed the flashing amber button on the printer to make it print; lovely color of course. ... I got a refrigerator with lots of ink in it and have no intention of replacing ink cartridges until the printing visibly deteriorates. ... So I suppose I’ll just move the malware window to a corner off the screen as far as possible, and rock on. ... And I see I’ve failed to mention/forgotten I could just turn the stupid thing off by disabling something like “show printer status”; I could do it at the stupid printer status, which really makes it not so bad, until it calls in the consigliere later....
Camelot Dump HoursThe Camelot Forest Conservation Association, Inc. — a lovely private vacation spot in Blakeslee PA — has a sworn mission to keep its dump hours def con 5 level secret. However by clandestine underhanded methods I have discovered the following unreliable info.
July 2022. Experimental tests indicate the dump is indeed open on Wednesdays. ... Tuesday, July 12, 2022 3:13 pm and amazingly, we dumped today! ... Next, Thursday! Ad astra! ... Friday, October 14, 2022. And then unbeknownst to me but apparently old hat to the lovabable LOL, it turns-out the stupid dump is open 7 days a week, with its new robot gate and video cameras!
So I guess an “open” beach is one with an open parking lot. The presence of the lifeguard is a separate and far more clandestine issue.... |
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